Chapter 40

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Shiloh –

"This place is very beautiful but I have to tell you Shi, getting to know you and Ori now, this place just does not seem to represent the both of you as a couple. I believe a home should be an extension of a couple and I just do not see it.  There is none of the personality I see in both of you here in this place." He says while shrugging his shoulders apologetically.  

"Yeah, we have been talking about the kind of home we want and it is so different than this place.  I have a clear picture in my mind of the home we want to live in.  Hell, we have even discussed the possibility of children.  I never dreamed that could be a possibility until now."

"I remember the old Orion and I can see all of the drastic changes in his personality but I have to tell you, it is for the better." Fay says with a tender smile on his face. "I tend to agree with you. I just want to get this condo sold and off our hands so we can concentrate on getting our new home and moving on you know."

Fay walks over to me and says in an uneasy voice, "But you have some concerns." "Yes. By now, everyone knows the story of what happened between Ori and me. We all know that the events that took place lead him down a destructive path that almost killed him.  If I had lost him in that manner, I would have shortly followed him to his grave Fay."

"Okay but what else is bothering you?" Fay asks. "Fay, I am terrified that he will get his memories back and become the old Ori and honestly, I love him more now the way he is and I feel horrible for it.  How could I wish something like that on the one I love the most?  Does it make me a bad person?"

Now the tears are beginning to fall down my face but before I can hide into the palms of my hands, Fay takes them both in his and says, "Listen to me. Are you listening? That man loved you with his whole heart before the accident.  His only mistake was not really appreciating what he had until it was too late.  Now,  that same man loves you with his entire soul and you see it every time he looks at you because he just glows with pure joy.  You do that to him.  It does not really matter whether he gets his memories back or not does it. He is yours then, now and forever and no one can ever take him away from you.  Stop worrying and enjoy this second chance at life and everything else will eventually work itself out."

I nod my head in agreement as he tries to wipe my tears with his hands just as my man walks in through the front door and stops suddenly taking in the scene before him. I feel guilty as the worry lines instantly appear on his dapper face. He walks right up to me and engulfs me completely in his embrace.

"What is wrong baby?" He asks as he looks down into my eyes while caressing the side of one of my cheeks.  I give him an endearing and loving smile and say, "Nothing now because you are here." Looking up into his eyes more deeply I give him another more tentative smile and even though he is not appeased and will probably bring it up later on, he lets it go for now and gives me a very seductively welcoming kiss causing Fay to giggle.

"Okay. Where is the agent?", he asks.  "She is in the dining room taking a quick call." "Well, she better be quick because I am starved baby and my mouth is watering at the thought of eating at the pub." Fay says, "I have some choice entrees picked out for us that Harold is currently working on so it will be very yummy.  Sounds like you brought the appetite for it too!"

My mouth starts to water at the thought of the meal to come before us shortly as Ori starts chuckling. Neither of us do well when we are hungry.  Right then, our agent joins us and we concentrate on ending this part of our lives once and for all.  The sooner the better!


I am pretty sure that I am going to give birth to a bunch of food that currently has me looking like I am five months pregnant. Oh my God what was I thinking eating everything that was put in front of me.  I just could not help myself as Harold's culinary masterpieces called to my stomach with every reveal.  My husband is currently rubbing my belly in an attempt to sooth the ache. If you look up the definition of gluttony, you will find my picture in there.  I was a bad and greedy boy but I just do not care!

I look over at my love and say, "You know, I love coming here so much that our new home better be close by.  I want to at least visit the pub once a week.  I am sure the guys will agree with me as well." "Anything you wish my angel. I will move heaven and earth to make it happen.  Besides, do you really think that the distance we live will keep you and Fay apart?  We need to make sure you too are not travelling out of your way to get together." He states while laughing.

"No it will not and do not forget to pick a home that has enough room for the BF suite." Fay answers instead. I am probably going to regret this but in confusion I go ahead and ask anyway, "What is a BF suite?" "Duh Ori! What is wrong with you?  It would be the best room in the house as it is the best friend suite. Just make sure it is big enough for me and my hunny!" He says as he fondles his husband lovingly.

Now we are all laughing up a storm at my dear friend's antics and cannot help but be thankful that this man has somehow become so close to me so quickly making me feel so, so blessed.  With Fay in our lives, life will not be boring at all.    

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