Chapter 21

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Orion –

We're sitting in the back of the family limo just patiently waiting. I think that Shiloh is very apprehensive about how I'll react once we go inside of the condo we are currently parked in front of. I honestly don't think that anything will happen.  If I've not remembered anything about my past after all this time, being in this place does not make me hopeful of suddenly recovering my memories.  I don't know what prompted him to suddenly want to do this after spending the last month or so just avoiding the subject but I was not going to question it.

I know he's scared that I'll remember something and it won't be a good memory. I am not as clueless as he seems to believe and I can almost read his body language like an open book.  I also know that he worries that the person who I was will return. Not a chance and even if I do remember, there's no way I'm giving my angel up ever again.

He is my life line. Whatever mistakes I made in the past will not be repeated presently as I know what I have in him. His worth is beyond measure and I will never break his heart again for if my memory loss is the price I have to pay to keep my angel, I will gladly pay it again and again.

He takes my hand in his and just sighs. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to baby. I don't need to be here.  We don't need to be here." "No, I want to get this over with." I grab a hold of his chin and turn his face towards me and question him. "Why? Why now?"

"Okay. Please don't be upset with me for not saying anything but tomorrow is our anniversary." I am completely shocked. Through all that we have dealt with it never even occurred to me to ask the question.  I quickly do some math in my head based on my past conversations with him and say, "Six years right?" He nods his head.

"Well now I have to go shopping." I say with a smirk on my face so he quickly responds, "No, no you don't. That's not why I told you. I just, ugh stop laughing you dumb ass!" I am hackling like a hyena now but I do manage to say, "Baby, you know I'm just playing around right?"

I give him a kiss right on those invitingly luscious lips of his and a slow smile begins to form on his face. "There's my angel!" "You, Mr. Degray are a pain in the ass." He says as his smile grows larger. "Ah, but baby, I'm your pain in the ass." "Yes you are. Yes you are!"

Holding him in my arms I ask, "So, what do you want to do now?" I waggle my eyebrows at him conveying with my eyes possibly something naughty. "We are definitely not doing that inside of my grandmother's limo Ori. You are such a horn dog." He says while laughing. I dig my face right into the side of his neck looking for my favorite spot on him just below his earlobe and take a deep inhale and there it is. The giggling that he just has no control over. Now I feel more calm knowing he's okay for now.

After what feels like a few more minutes, he takes a deep breath in in an effort to brace himself for what's to come.  Shiloh says, "Alright. Let's get this over and done with." Before we get out of the limo I say to him, "Listen, if it's too much, we can leave at any time.  Do you understand me?" He nods his head in understanding then says, "The same goes for you too. I don't want you overwhelmed if suddenly this is the trigger you needed to bring your memories back.  Dr. Yuri did say that if it does happen, it could be very sudden and painful.  I just want us to be prepared."

We get out of the limo and are now standing in front of this formidable looking building. It's all expensive looking and cold.  Just plain cold.  It's fancy and all mental and modern.  Why would we live in such a cold looking place?  I take him by the shoulders and face him in front of me and say, "Baby, if you didn't trigger my memories I don't think anything will."  He smiles shyly and blushes a little and I can't help but think, damn, as he takes my breath away.

I look into his eyes so he can see the truth of my words in them. I need for him to understand that he is all I need. He is all I want. I just pray that even with the possibility of my memories returning, I never lose sight of those feelings because I'm not sure what would happen to me if he was not with me. 

I also now find myself having to make some plans with his revelation. We have an anniversary coming up and I want to make him feel special. I need him to see just what he really means to me.

As I plot and plan out our special day in my mind, Shiloh heads towards the front door of the condo and I take a deep breath in just as he takes my keys and places it in the lock. He opens the door slightly and steps back just a bit as if he is bracing himself for something.  What, I have no clue!

I come up behind him and just let him lean against me. I whisper in his ear, "Angel, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Take your time. We can stand here all day if that's what it takes." He sighs heavily and reaches towards the front door. He pushes it open and we both are so shocked by the sight in front of us that you can hear our gasps of surprise a block away.

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