Chapter 35

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Orion –

We are going out tonight with my close friends who Shiloh has tenderly deemed, "The Boys". Brian, who is supposed to be my closest friend next to Shiloh, demanded it. After he explained how I treated them during my drunken stupor, even having no memory of my past transgressions, I felt so guilty and agreed to this outing since somehow he still managed to keep being my friend. He threw a fit and everything it was really comical to witness. Ever seen a six foot five man throw a fit?  Yeah, hilarious! 

Throw in the fact that he is ripped to the core, filthy rich, has the all American good looks, blue eyes and blond hair, complete with a high school sweetheart wife and a first child on the way, he is everyone's ideal dream guy and was not taking NO for an answer.

When I mentioned to him that Shiloh was coming along with us he was surprised. When I asked him why, he told me that I never really brought my husband with me to any of our outings. It was always just us guys but he said with the new me, which he is still trying to get used to, it was a welcomed change as he always felt that my angel should have been included in our outings from the beginning.

He and my angel got along famously and Brian never understood why he was never part of our group. Tonight, that all changes. Brian and the guys are anxious to see how I am doing. They paid me plenty of visits in and out of the hospital and as I have gotten to know them all over again, I have found them all to be a bunch of really good guys.

They have had to adjust to this new version of myself that emerged from the smoke and flames of the accident and I in turn, am getting to know my closest friends all over again. They are also getting to know Shiloh as well since they never really interacted with him in the past and to say that I felt at ease knowing that everyone seemed to instantly fall under his spell was an understatement.  

I plan on not making any of the same mistakes I made before the accident.  If my angel was not a part of my outings with the gang then that changes now. I want him integrated in every part of my life and vice versa. I think he is a bit over excited about going out with my close friends so how could I ever think of leaving him behind. As always, every time I run into something monumentally stupid I did in the past, I really want to smack the shit out of my former self.

I noticed the time and go looking for my angel who it seems likes to take his sweet time when ever he gets ready. Before I get the chance to look for him I see him coming down the main set of stairs of this humongous mansion and as always I am left breathless and aroused.

He somehow managed to slip himself into the tightest pair of blue jeans I have ever seen in my life and what it does to his ass is just sinful and just, damn. Then he has the nerve to be wearing a very thin polo shirt that molds to every inch of his muscular upper body showing off all of his muscles and pecs and ugh...

He has got to be kidding me.  This will not do. I walk right up to him with a determined step and catch his hips before he completely descends the stairs and say, "What are you wearing baby?" By now I have my hands wrapped around his glorious globes melding his body to mine causing mild tingles to zing throughout my body.

He has the nerve to giggle as he says, "Clothes!" With an incredulous look on my face I say, "That is not even remotely funny baby. You can't wear this. Every person at this bar is going to be focused on the most alluring man there which will be you my love and I am afraid I may wind up in jail if someone looks at you let alone tries to approach you."

He grazes my face with his knuckles and says, "But Ori, I am going to be there with you. Who cares about everyone else and besides, all of your friends are going to be there too and I have a feeling that someone will have to get through all of them to get to me and that is pretty much going to be impossible isn't it.  Besides, Brian has proven to have some overprotective tendencies and he may behave just as bad as you if anyone does try anything."

"Fine but I am not letting you out of my sight tonight!  I mean it Shiloh." He giggles again and says, "Let us go. The limo is waiting for us outside and Brian just called me and said the guys are already at the bar." "Brian called you?  Why would he call you baby?" With the most stunned look on his face he says, "Really Ori? Jealously? Are you being serious right now?  He is straight or did you forget that and let me remind you that he is happily married to the love of his life who happens to be a wonderful woman so cut that shit out.  Okay!"  He gives me a very pointed look that says he will brook no arguments.

A smile crosses my face as I hug him close to me and nuzzle my face into the side of his neck. I hear him take a deep breath in as he says, "Babe, we do not have time for this right now. If, you are a good boy, I promise you an amazing ending to this evenings festivities."

"Fine, let's go and get this over with so we can come home and have some real fun!" I wink at him and he blushes a bit. Oh no that is so damn cute.

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