Chapter 1

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Shiloh -

Some people would say that I have lived the perfect life. To have found my soul mate so young is a precious gift. Ori, short for Orion and I met in kindergarten and from the moment we laid eyes on each other, everyone knew that somehow we were meant to be.

Until the moment he came into my life, I was this shy little thing and with his spirited and larger than life personality, he pulled me right out of my shell and molded me into the person I am today. I am a bit more reserved than Ori. It's just in my nature but as we grew older, his personality became more vibrant and I sort of stayed not too far in the background.

Ori attracts everyone to him by just being himself. I have always taken it in stride. I never thought I would have to worry about him or his flirtatious nature as I have always been first to him in all things just as he was for me. I knew I loved him from the very start and the two hardest things I did was one, go home and pretend that I did not know of his heart wrenching betrayal and two, leave the only person that I've ever loved.

That was worse for me but how could I stay. How could I ever trust him again? He was the center of my universe and it shattered the day I went to visit my doctor. I was feeling a bit weird. I could not explain it I just knew something was off and I even told my husband about it and that I was going to see Dr. Pat my old family doctor.

Now it has been three days. Somehow I have managed to keep his advances at bay citing my fake illness and the need to keep him protected from getting sick. Ha! What a fucking joke! It took everything inside of me just to sleep next to him these past three nights but finally my chance at vengeful freedom is at hand.

My unsuspecting husband is leaving on a weekend fishing trip with a couple of his friends. Who knows if that's even true but it does not matter anymore. I am going to make sure he understands what he did to me, to us and how I will never, ever forgive him.

I feel him come upon me and wrap his arms around my waist from behind me. I keep very still so as not to let on that at this point, he repulses me. "Baby, I don't know if I should be going on this trip with the guys with you being sick." Swallowing my brief panic I say, "It's okay. All I am going to be doing is spending time resting in bed." "But sweetheart, you're going to be all alone. I don't want you to be alone." "You already set this trip up and it's probably better for your health if you stay away from me for a couple of days so go." Saying those words to him held one hell of a double meaning and he had no real clue.

I look at him giving him what I hope is a convincing smile to let him know to just go already. He sighs heavily and says, "Okay but if anything happens or you get worse, please call me right away. I will cut this trip short to come home to you okay sweetheart." I nod in agreement and he gives me a big man hug from behind and then kisses my cheek. He picks up his travel bag by the door, takes one more look back at me and then leaves.

It takes me a moment. I just stand there in the little hallway that houses the front door to our condo. In this moment I realize what I am about to do. I am leaving him with memories and a note. I spent the better part of three days going through our home and removing the things I feel are mine and mine alone.

I have discovered that my husband really has no clue what goes on around him. I cannot believe that he has not even noticed but when you are the center of the world I guess little things like this just aren't important. I have placed my things in a storage facility he has no knowledge of. I plan on taking off and going to an undisclosed location before I make my way back to my family estate. I feel that this will be the first place he will look for me and if I see him after having the courage to leave, I may crumble because even now, knowing of his betrayal, I am weak.

I am emotionally fragile, I admit this to myself. He is, was my everything, my life centered around him and my heart is completely broken and before I can go back to my grandmother, my only surviving relative, I need to purge my soul of the emotions that I am reining in with nothing short of determination and pure will. The condition I am in right now I know it would not take much for him to convince me to not leave him and I have to this in order to strengthen my resolve once the true fight begins. Once my inner thoughts begin to war and make me question my abandonment of my husband.

I go back into my home one last time. I gather my bags which have been hiding in the closet in the living room. I consider it luck that he did look inside these past three days. I place the envelope in his favorite place, his leather lazy chair just to ensure he does not miss it. I take off my wedding band and along with the keys to our home; I place these items next to the envelope. I finally leave not knowing that with this one act I set forth a chain of events that would alter my belief in everything!

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