Chapter 13

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Orion -

I'm back in this hazy fog of nothingness. In this state I feel intangible, more spiritual. It's closer than it's ever been so far. I just don't feel a presence anymore, I can hear muffled sounds coming from an unknown location but I don't understand what the sounds are. I just know that my heart is reaching out to those sounds like bees to honey. I feel almost compelled.

Then I begin to feel the tingling in my hand and fingers again and as it gets stronger, I feel it more intensely as it climbs up and down my arm and then the fog is almost upon me. I feel no fear what so ever. I become excited at what could be waiting for me on the other side of the fog. I want this so much and begin to reach out.

Then I hear it so much clearer than ever before. The unknown sounds are words. They are so calming to me. It sounds like the voice of an angel. "Ori, I don't know if you can hear me but I miss you, so, so much. I need you to come back to me so I can tell you how sorry I am for the way I handled everything. I should have at least let you know that I just needed time to think but you have to understand that from the moment you came into my life, it became yours."

The voice becomes muffled again and then all I hear is, "I love you, please come back to me!" And even though I can feel pain starting to throb intensely throughout my entire being, I carry on and punch right through the fog and this strong, bright white light hits me right in the eyes causing me to blink rapidly over and over as I try to adjust to my surroundings.

There is this intense loud incessant constant beeping sound coming from somewhere and it's hurting my head. I feel it pounding against my skull and it is painful. I want to move but find I really don't have the strength to do much other than try to look around and see where the hell I'm at. I glance over to the side and see what can only be described as an angel sitting there and I can't help touch him. As if in a trance, I try to move closer to him.

Using what little strength I do have, I bring my hand up as he lifts his head and the softness of his skin is so familiar to me. How that is possible I have no clue. He looks at me with shocking big green eyes that I cannot describe with mere words and stands abruptly causing his chair to tilt on its side and then suddenly, he hits the floor.

I'm surprised! What the hell just happened? I have no clue where I'm at but I don't have to long to wait as someone comes crashing into the room and sees the angel lying on the floor. As he runs over to him, he glances over at me for a brief moment and gasps in surprise and then all hell breaks loose.


There are so many people in what I now know to be a hospital room. There's activity everywhere around me and activity around the angel that turns out had fainted when he realized I was awake. I instantly felt guilty at causing his dismay. I am worried for him and find I can only concentrate on his well being much to the doctor's dismay. I cannot even explain why I feel this way. I just do!

It takes about a half an hour just for the doctor to examine me while a nurse tends to the angel. He seems completely frazzled by my state of consciousness. I'm so confused as to why and have many questions floating around in my mind. At the clearing of a throat I look over at this small man as he says, "Orion, my name is Dr. Yuri. Do you know where you are?"

I try to talk at first but find my throat very dry and really sore so one of the other nurses brings me a cup of ice and says, "Suck on these too wet your pallet. It will help soothe your throat a bit. We'll give you liquids once the full assessment has been completed and the doctor gives the okay."

"Orion, I don't want to overwhelm you so we will start slow. Do you know where you are?" I nod my head no. "Okay. You are in the hospital. Do you remember what happened?" Again, I nod my head no. "You were in a car accident."

I guess that explains why I feel some pain and discomfort. "Okay. Let's start with something simple. That young man over there." He points to the beautiful angel who seems to be getting the color back in his face thank God. He seems familiar to me but when I try to concentrate, my head begins to pound real hard and causes me to grip my head in pain.

"Orion, are you okay?" The doctor asks. In a very hoarse like whisper I say, "Head hurts!" "Nurse, let's get him something for the pain. Now can you try to answer my last question?" "No, I don't know!" I hear a gasp of despair come from him as he quickly gets up and goes to leave the room.

I feel a panic ensue within me. He can't leave me so with as much strength as I can muster I groan out, "Please, please don't leave. Please don't leave me." He turns around and I can see tears in those bewitching green eyes of his.

It takes him but a moment before he does come towards me and I offer him my hand palm up and he places his in it and there they go, the familiar tingles I have felt on and off in that unknown place. He must be the presence I always felt near by so calming and reassuring.

"Thank you!" I whisper out. Then I turn to the doctor and ask, "I have a question Doctor?" "Yes?" He says to me. "Who is Orion?"

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