Chapter 39

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Orion –

It is near the end of the week and I am currently sitting in the office of my neurologist who is going over some tests I recently took to determine how my recovery has gone and what to expect from here on out. I am a bit nervous but anxious as well.  I want this to eventually end as every time I come here it reminds me of the act that lead to all of this and I become apprehensive.

Shiloh is currently out on a lunch date with Fay his cohort and after this appointment, we are all going to meet back at the condo and meet up with the agent in charge of the sale of our old home. There are some things we need to go over with her and also some papers to sign.  Then finally we can be rid of this place and hopefully all the bad memories associated with it.

I am waiting for the final verdict from Dr. Stanley who has been solely  focused on my recovery from the head injury but I think Shiloh's grandmother may have had some influence there as well. He is currently sitting in his big comfy leather chair behind a very beautifully crafted wooden desk looking over some of the paperwork.

It has been close to a year since the accident and all but my memory has healed. I did mention to him that every time I think I am going to remember something, this intense pain slices through my brain and leaves me pretty much useless for the rest of the day.  I wish I could call it a migraine but it is so much more intense and my angel becomes distraught whenever I have an episode.

His concern over that side effect is why I am still in his care now. The doctor looks up at me and says, "Orion, I have gone over all of the scans we have taken over the past few months of your head, skull and brain. The swelling in your brain is gone and so has the bruising."

I nod my head in understanding. "There was some nerve damage around the area where your brain retains memory and this is why your amnesia has lasted this long. Other than the obvious scar you will carry for the rest of your life, it is my conclusion that you may never get your memories back."

"So you are saying that my memory loss is permanent?" He looks at me intensely and says, "The brain is a work of complete wonder to the medical community Orion. As of right now, based on everything in front of me, I would assume that your amnesia is permanent but there have been cases where patients have regained some or all of their memories years after their loss.  I have no definitive answer to give you."

"Dr. Stanley what about my personality changes?" "Well, again this ties into the brain and this organ is still quite a mystery to us. There was so much damage to your head in the accident that it is a miracle you are here now alive and well." Again I nod my head in agreement.

Then I ask him the question I need answered the most. "Do you think there is a possibility that I might get my old personality back?  Be the way I was before the accident?" "What are you most concerned with Orion?" He asks me in confusion.  "My husband and I have gotten a new lease on life. That is the only good thing to have come out of this accident but Dr. Stanley and I am afraid that if I become the old me, get my memories back, I will lose my soul mate and that is not an option for me."

"Orion, who knows what the future will hold for any of us." He sits back in his chair in deep thought then looks at me and says, "I will say this. I have seen the way you two are together and if there is one thing I am certain of when it comes to your future is that you and your husband are meant to be together.  You two just complement each other so completely."

A smile starts to form on my face as he continues. "Whether it is the man you are now or the man you were before, he is always going to be in your life. I do not think either one of you could ever be without the other.  Remember, you have both loved each other for a very long time."

Then he smiles as he gets up from his chair and circles his desk to stand in front of me as I get up. He shakes my hand and say, "Just so you know Orion, I and many other people who have probably interacted with the both of you are very jealous of your relationship.   A love like yours is rare so cherish every moment with him.  You know better than anyone else that life is fleeting and can be gone in the blink of an eye."

"Dr. Stanley that is not something I need reminding of ever. After this ordeal, I have a whole new appreciation for life and I have every intention of living it to the fullest with Shiloh right by my side where he belongs." He returns my smile and says, "I will see you in three months unless there are more issues with the head okay."

More than happy to finally be done with this visit, I look at my cellphone only to find a message waiting from my love. Fay and I are waiting at the condo for you. After we are done with the agent, Fay and Harold have invited us over to their pub for an early lunch and drinks. So hurry up babe, I am hungry and miss you lots!

My smile gets wider as I send back, Just left the doctor's office. On my way and yes, I am hungry too. Sounds like a great plan. He sends me a kissing emoji and I get on my way.

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