Chapter 33

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Orion -

We are almost home and I cannot wait to finalize everything we have talked about over the past few days and start living our lives. This flight has left us both exhausted. No, that's not true at all. The all night bronco riding fest my angel, or should I say my little devil, put me through, left me nothing short of awed and quite tongue tied. 

I honestly didn't think he was capable of rendering me a mess of sexual noises that could probably be heard clear across the ocean. His stamina I am finding  is the stuff of legend but I don't think I was the only one surprised by this development.  You could tell by his demeanor that my previous entity did not give him much room to play in.  Now, I have no issues giving him a very wide berth and as usual, he very pleasingly surprised me.  I am starting to think that I love surprises!

Shiloh's hips should be deemed a very dangerous weapon, well a sexual one anyway, with the way they swayed just like the waves of the ocean scenery right in front of us. I am  just glad that every single part of him inside and out is all mine. Those wondrous hips belong to me and only me and to think, I almost lost access to all of this. Never going to happen ever again!  Now, home is almost upon us and we have many plans to look forward too.

The first thing is to get the condo properly prepared, cleaning and such, so we can put it on the market. From what Shiloh tells me, we should fetch one hell of a good price. I leave that to him as I don't really worry about the money aspect of it all.  We do have to go through everything that is still in there but it should not take more than a week according to my angel.  I did insist that we do that part together as I did not want him to have any issues being in that place alone with unnecessary and worrisome thoughts. 

I am still going through physical therapy a couple of times a week.  I also see a neurologist once a week due to the severity of my head injury and the fact that it is the only injury that still causes me some sporadic aches and pains. We have no clue how long I will continue seeing that specialist since head injuries are so unpredictable.  I do not feel I will need physical therapy for much longer as I am stronger than ever and have now incorporated working out in my daily routine.

We have decided to stay at his grandmother's estate until we find the perfect home based on both of our needs and desires. Shiloh refuses to rush this decision and honestly, after seeing the condo the first time, I agree with him as I want his input in all things regarding us. I will do whatever he wants so I do not give much resistance anyway. All I requested was that it just feels homey so I expect us to be viewing home listings and possibly walk throughs for the next several months.

My angel is passed out right next to me in his plushy airplane lounger looking like sleeping beauty herself. We did have a late night last night and I do not blame him for being unconscious. I am awake only because I am anxious to get home and begin our new life together.  I can see our lives unfold before me and it leaves my soul with this feeling of completion.

This time next year, we will be renewing our vows so there is much to prepare there as well. I have quite the feeling that his grandmother has already started on those plans the moment we told her of our desire to renew our vows. I am glad that somehow she seems to be fond of me. I did betray her baby boy and Shiloh encompasses her whole world but she, like him has decided to start anew especially where I am concerned.

I loath to have to wake my angel up but the plane is about to descend and we need to be strapped in our seat belts and even for his comfort, his safety will always come first. I lean over to my baby and run my nose on the side of his neck ending with a delicate kiss under his earlobe. I hear him sigh in his sleep.

A smile comes across my face as I then try and gently shake my baby and he ignores me as he cuddles his backside into the front of my body causing another part of me to wake up a bit. I bring my lips down to his ear and say, "Come on sunshine. Time to wake up. We are almost home!" Then I nibble on his earlobe a little and then I hear a very faint giggle come from him.

Every time I hear that giggle, my soul warms in happiness. It is the truest sign that my angel is completely at ease, delighted and content. He turns his body towards mine and his beaming grin hits me like a ray of sunshine. He places his hand on my cheek and lifts up quickly and pecks my lips very softly.

"Hmmm. I am up now love." I reach down to where his very interested shaft lays and say, "I just bet you are!" With that statement he goes into a hysterical giggling fit and he is just so damn cute. He is holding onto me in an attempt not to fall out of the chair. It is quite adorable to look at.

"We are almost home so I wanted you to get ready." I said to him. "Okay, let me use the bathroom before we buckle in real quick." He gets up and tries to adjust himself. I can't help but laugh at his antics.

God, how I love that man. Just then, as if he can read my mind, he turns to look right at me, smiles that smile I am finding is solely for me, then heads to the bathroom to do his business. Yeah, I absolutely love my angel!

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