Chapter 22

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Shiloh –

What a total disaster. The amount of trash just gathered in the living room alone is astounding. There are empty bottles of liquor scattered on just about every surface of this room.  There is all manner of crumbled papers, bags and I think food.  Ugh... I don't even want to enter the condo as I'm afraid of what else I'll find within the other rooms.

My God Orion must have lost his mind back then. I must have started to panic because I feel him come up right behind me and press his entire front against my back and wrap his arms around my waist. He starts rubbing slow soothing circles on my torso as he just calmly mumbles nonsense to keep me distracted.

I take in his strength because I have to go on.  I can't put this off any longer.  I have to stay the course so we can finally put it all to rest once and for all. I want to move forward with my new Ori and just be happy and free of this horrible time in our lives.

"What shall we do love." He asks. "I guess go through the whole condo first to see what other damages you left behind." "So I did do all of this then." "I guess so Ori. From what your friends told me about you during that month I left, you pretty much alienated yourself from everyone and barricaded yourself in here and even ran the business from the condo until you pretty much let your management team take over."

He takes a look at the disaster that is in the living room and says, "Well, nothing seems to have jogged my memory so far. If you're up to it, let's keep looking around." I sigh a bit sadly but say, "Okay!" a bit hesitantly. He looks over at me and just smiles that special smile that is only mine and my heart lurches in my chest.

I think back to my last night here, before I ran from him and that same smile he gave me before he left on his trip. I think back to that last night where even though my world had been absolutely destroyed, he was still my Ori. The Ori that always called me his Shi. The Ori who now calls me his angel and still holds a part of that Ori inside of him.

I see him offer me his hand and I gladly take it in mine. "Come on. Let's check the rest of this place out." He says as he pulls me along. We have to walk through the trash on the floor. "We'll have to get this all picked up." He says to me. "We had a cleaning service that came daily. Not sure what happened there.  It could more than likely be that you canceled them in your attempt to become a hermit. I'll see if we can get them back in here to get everything cleaned up and set back to rights."

"Okay. I'll leave all of that to you." We head over to the open kitchen to the right of us that houses such a bad smell we had to let go of each other's hands just to cover our faces. Ori looks around until he finally finds what he's looking for and heads towards the window above the sink and opens it completely.

"Yuck baby. This is gross. We may need a hazmat team in here instead." He says jokingly.  "Yeah I think you're right!" I say with a bit of a laugh. He looks around the kitchen some more and does not seem to respond in any way. So far, so good.

We go back to the living room where Ori takes it upon himself to open up all of the windows in this room. This place needs to air out badly. The smell is quite rancid.  He continues to glance around at his surroundings and I intently watch his facial expressions. There seems to be no change on his face.

He looks to me and says, "Where to next?" "We have the dining room, bathrooms and the bedrooms still to check out." "Okay, which is closer?" "Well, the dining room is on the left so let's head over there and see how bad it is."

As we head on over there, Orion asks, "Baby how are the utilities still on if neither of us has been here for months?" "Your personal assistant usually takes care of all of that and many other things you deemed menial." "I guess cleanup was not on the personal assistant's list huh?" "No. The service we used is through my grandmother's corporate accounts so Melinda, your personal assistant, would not have known. Honestly, I don't want anyone to know of this mess."

"I guess it doesn't show me in a good light right?" "Maybe. We don't know what was going on in your head back then and we may never know. Are you okay with that?" "Baby I already told you, as long as you're by my side, I don't care about any of this. I'm just so regretful of hurting you and I can't even remember it."

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck, get on the tips of my toes and plant one right on his kissable lips. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and take control of the kiss and open up my lips with his tongue and plunge right in and oh God. What this man does to me.

We haven't been fully intimate yet but I have a surprise for my husband for our anniversary. I need him so much more than I ever thought possible and I want to show him what he means to me. I feel his arms tighten around my body as he presses his erection against mine.

"Babe, we don't have time for this." I hear him chuckle into the side of my neck. "Fine I'll stop!" "Yeah, yeah, sure you will!" I'm laughing pretty hard now but I'm feeling real good.

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