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Three Years Later –

It has been ten years to the day that we have been married and Ori and I chose to renew our vows on that same date. He wanted a memory of a wedding since to this day, he has not been able to remember anything.

We have both made our peace with it and have moved on. The past few years have honestly been the best of my life so far. Ori and I are in a place in our relationship that I do not believe we had ever achieved before in the past as a different couple.

Sometimes I feel as though I am marrying a different man. Then there are instances where Ori will do something, some mannerisms that remind me that he is still the Ori that I have loved since I was five years old.

Reflection like this can lead to unnecessary delays so I finish perusing my physical reflection in the mirror of my old bedroom as I hear my best and most flamboyant of friends walk through the door. "Hello...what are you doing? Someone is getting married today and is going to be late if he does not get out of his own head space." Fay says with much mirth.

"I am coming. I just wanted to make sure I looked okay." With an outrageous over the top look of disbelief on his face, he says,  "Hunny, okay does not even come close to describing how gorgeous you look right now. Your man will not know what hit him when he catches a glimpse of you." Now he has me laughing uncontrollably at his antics.

I take one last look at myself. I am in a one of a kind tailored white tuxedo. Ori says I am his angel and nothing but white would do. I swear if he could have gotten away with putting wings on me he would have. I remember the horrified look on Gran's face and the subject was just shut down almost instantly after that.

The best part other than finally seeing my love is what Gran did to the back of the estate. She, in all her extravagance, spared no expense. She turned the back of the estate into a floral, magical scene right out of a romance novel.

Ori and I would have loved to have renewed our vows in the gazebo at the center of the maze but the amount of guests invited to this event was too overwhelming in size to fit them all in that area of the grounds.

My best man or fairy maiden of honor, as he refers to himself, grabs my hand and says, "Let us go love. The man of your dreams will not wait much longer and he will come looking for you." Truer words were never spoken!


I am desperate to see my angel. In all these years together since the accident, we have never spent a day apart. Having to sleep in Brian's house while he was kept prisoner at the estate was torture for us both.

My only consolation was that Fay stayed with him while his husband suffered the same fate as me. Brian's house was full to the brim with lots of men causing him to send his lovely wife off with my angel as well.

So many things changed over the past few years. With Shiloh's grandmother's guidance, a management team was put in place to take over the leadership role I held within my company before the accident. My main focus now is on my artwork and she has been my second biggest fan next to my baby.

My first gallery opening will occur in a little over a month and everyone is excited. Fay and his husband will be catering the event so I am pleased to know that I will be surrounded by close friends and family. I am really nervous but excited at the same time.

With Shiloh's grandmother getting older, he has begun the transition of taking over her role on the board of what pretty much is his family legacy. Even with that responsibility, he refuses to allow it to interfere in our everyday life. He always puts my needs first and I have to say that I fall deeper in love with my angel every single day.

Last year we bought our first real home together. It is quite the spread. It looks like a plantation house with a balcony that goes around the entire house and sits on about 10 acres of land. It has four bedrooms, a master bedroom suite, four full bathrooms, family room, living room, dining room, a massive kitchen built for a professional chef, i.e. Fay has already claimed this room, laundry room, walk-in pantry and a plot of land right out of a forest fairytale scene complete with a custom made gazebo at our request.

Entertaining has been a blast over the past year and even his grandmother has spent more time in our new home than on the estate. I foresee her moving in sometime in the near future. Other than the room that Fay has labeled the best friend suite, no kidding he put up a sign and everything, the rest of the rooms I have made quite clear to my love, will be filled with the pitter patter of little feet.

That will be our next adventure but first; I want to take the first steps in setting my future on the right path with Shiloh. I know that legally we are already married but in my mind, this is my first wedding and my heart will not be content until this is done.

Besides, I cannot wait to see my angel all in white to my contrasting black tuxedo. I am brought out of my thoughts as Brian says, "Are you ready?" "Since the day I woke up!" I say with a big cheesy smile and then the music begins, the door to the back patio opens and the sight of my forever walks through the doors glowing with a happiness that fills my heart with a sense of completion I have never known.

My love, my soulmate, my life, my new beginning...

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