Chapter 24

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Shiloh –

I wake up in the arms of the man who is without a doubt the love of my life and smile when I realize that today is our anniversary. Six years we have been married but over twenty of them we have known each other. It's crazy to think that up until a few months ago I thought I had a near perfect life.

In a way I am thankful that even though it's been a very rough road, I get to have a second chance at a new life with the only person who has ever held any meaning in my heart. Yes, I have some regrets as I think everyone does at one point or another in their life. Things could have gone down so much more differently and I may never know the reasoning behind his betrayal.  We may never know the thoughts that led to the one disastrous act that set everything in motion for the present we are living in.

Through all of it, I have forgiven him. I think that with this new version of Orion it was easier to forgive him. How can I truly hold him accountable for a sin he committed that he may never remember in the first place? 

At present, I'm enjoying a lazy morning in bed with my man and snuggling into him some more so I can feel his soft hot skin against mine. We've taken to just sleeping in our underwear because Ori wants as much of my body touching his as humanly possible.  What can I say, I fully agree with him.

Tonight I have plans for him. I want to take that final step with him into the physical discoveries of what our bodies can do when joined as one. It's new and exciting for me as well since he is a different person in bed as well. He is a much more gentle and caring lover. Don't get me wrong, the old Ori always made sure I was satisfied in every way possible as I think it turned him on to bring me to satisfaction first but it was rushed and sometimes rough and I loved those moments we shared but being exposed to this softer and tender side of him leaves me much more satisfied in a way I can't explain and I honestly can't wait.

I think he has plans for me too as he and Gran disappeared for a couple of hours yesterday making me wonder what they were up to and I can't get anyone to unseal their lips. That's okay. He's giddy with excitement and Orion has never been giddy a day in his life and I definitely like him just like this.

As I snuggle some more right into his side, I feel his very large erection gently rub up against my thigh and this long slow moan comes from deep in his sleep sounding throat. "Baby, happy anniversary. You smell so damn good." He says as he buries his nose into the side of my neck just below my earlobe exactly where we both like it.  This sets me to giggling really bad and I know he loves it when I'm like this.

"Happy anniversary to you too love. Any plans for today?" I ask inquisitively.  He starts laughing as he says, "When you get determined you don't let up do you?" "You can't blame a guy for trying. You disappeared and now my curiosity is peaked."  He continues to chuckle and the lightheartedness of the moment warms something deep inside of me.

He kisses me on the lips gently and says while looking over at the clock on the night stand, "I suggest we go the the bathroom and make ourselves a bit more presentable as Cook will be here in a few minutes with our breakfast to be enjoyed in bed."  He has a smirk on his face as he sees the surprise in mine.

"Breakfast in bed? Really?" "Yes, hurry up as we have a busy day ahead of us and since you insisted on going away for the next few days for our anniversary, I want to make the most of our special day."  Then he gently taps my bottom as I get out of bed causing me to gasps lightly as I give him a naughty look. 

"Okay let's go." I say as I try to pull his tall frame up and out of our bed with much enthusiasm. By this point he is laughing hysterically and I give him the stink eye so he clears his throat as he tries to cover his continuous laughter.  It does absolutely no good since he has this cheesy grin shining all over his handsome face.

Breakfast was an all out beautiful affair filled with amazing companionship, laughter, jokes, titillating conversation, loads and loads of kisses, caresses, and ending with a very explosive mutual blow job. As far as I'm concerned, breakfast should always be this way as I consider it a great way to start every single day.

Then, the afternoon proved to be very interesting as my man decided to sketch me in the nude on our bed.  For me it was a bit scandalous but the joy on his face kept me rooted in place.  We took a break and had our lunch, which was a spread fit for a king, on the balcony attached to our room just in our robes.  We were quite lazy without a care in the world.

Cook was like a school girl feeding into all of Ori's wishes and high jinx and today was proving to be one of the best days I've had in a very long time. The portrait was going to be one of my gifts that according to my husband can only be shared with him because there is no way he would ever tolerate another persons gaze to fall upon my bare skin. Honestly, I think the gift is more for him than me but I won't tell him that.

Gran lent us her island get away for the next week so we will be going away tomorrow morning and my plan is to keep my husband, happy, satisfied and feeling completely loved.

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