Chapter 38

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Shiloh –

I thought his squeal of delight was loud when he first saw the grounds behind the house but the one he let out at finding the gazebo in the center of the maze might have shattered some windows if there had been any near us.

Fay is a character let me tell you. We had such a relaxed and lively brunch and I loved every minute of it. I have to admit to never really having any close friends except for Ori but as I told Fay in confidence, I could see him quickly becoming one of those and his endearing gaze put me even more at ease.

We even have plans for later on in the week for just the two of us to just hang out and get to know each other better. Right now, he is marveling at the construction of this beautiful gazebo while Ori and Harold seem to be getting along famously as well based on their conversation.

"Shiloh, does your grandmother need another grandson?" I started laughing hysterically as I said, "You will have to ask her." "I will take that under advisement." "Fay, you are crazy you know that right?" Shrugging his shoulders he says, "I would rather be crazy than boring." "Yes, that is true." I say shaking my head at him.

Our husbands join us and then I lead the way out of the maze and back to the patio. The distance takes up to an hour when strolling our way there instead of walking briskly. As we reach the patio, Gran comes out in all of her glamorous beauty closely followed by the serving staff that has removed the evidence of our brunch and are now bringing out finger foods and light drinks for our enjoyment.

With a flourish of royalty and a grand flare she sits down at the head of the table and turns to me and says, "Dear, introduce me to your friends." "Of course Gran. This is Harold." She put her hand out towards him. He takes it and places a kiss on it very delicately not sure what to make of this matriach.

Then not to be out shined, my eccentric friend flurries right past the both of us and takes this outrageous bow as he say, "And I am his husband, Fay!" By now, Gran is cracking up pretty bad and clapping her hands at Fay's tomfoolery.

"Oh, you I like. Come, the both of you will join me and if you are able to, please stay for dinner." Before anyone can say anything Fay says, "Well, how else am I going to convince you to adopt me if we do not get to know each other better?"

See, he is completely insane. I turn to Harold and say, "How do you put up with him?" "With a smile that could light up the entire estate, he says, "He is the love of my life and life with him is never dull and I decided a long time ago to never live a dull life!"


Well, it is official. Grandmother has completely fallen for Fay. He has managed to charm her to death. I laugh to myself as I think about the past few hours. It is late and Ori is waiting for me in our bed. Fay and his husband spent the entire day with us and it was such a joyous time.

With Ori having a series of doctor's appointments this week and the fact that we will finally be done getting the condo ready for sale, having a day to myself with Fay will be a blessing and Ori is all for it. He wants to ensure that I have my own interests outside of our life. I loved him even more just for that.

I come out of the bathroom and head straight for our bed when I am stopped dead in my tracks at the sight waiting for me. My very extremely well-proportioned, virile, robust husband was lying on his back naked as the day he was born, gently stroking his impressive shaft up and down.

You could hear me gulp as I swallowed hard and then licked my lips almost unconsciously. My eyes zeroed in on his growing erection and I was brought out of this hypnotic state by the clearing of his throat. I look up into his eyes and see the smirk on his face.

I take the towel that is loosely wrapped around my waist and open it and just let it pool on the floor around my feet. My husband follows that towel with his gaze like a stalker. He stops just briefly in his stroking but then sets his pace back up again and starts going a bit faster.

When I hear his moan and watch the first pearly drop trickle out of his slit, I go into immediate action. Like a man driven mad with need, I jump on the bed and immediately straddle him with my thighs. He is taken by surprise but quickly gets his wits about him and grabs my hips.

His member is nestled right between my cheeks just waiting for an invitation to enter heaven. I start moving my hips so that he can feel his shaft slide up and down my crack very easily since his wetness makes it easy to slide along my skin and he moans a bit more louder. When I reach down for his nipples and pinch them lightly, I feel his hips involuntarily move in answer to mine.

Now it is my turn to moan in appreciation. I feel Ori's hand begin to slide over to my globes and grab them and on my thrust up , he spread them open and when I went down, it was to his hard, wet rod that entered me all the way up to the hilt in one deep push.

I gasped in delight and that was all it took for my man to lose his mind and start pumping up into me. Not one to be left behind, I began riding him like an expert cowboy at a rodeo and with every press of Ori's manhood into my magic spot, my shaft got harder and wetter.

I leaned down and put my hands on his chest, got on my feet and proceeded to show him who the real boss was here. After a few minutes of the hard pounding rhythm we set, at the exact same moment, Ori slammed up into me and I arched my back and held onto his legs as the earth shattering orgasm hit me so hard I was gasping for air.

Before I could even blink, my man sat up while still inside me, wrapped his arms around me and as I loosely wrapped mine around his neck, I heard him breathlessly say, my angel, all mine, then darkness decended.     

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