Chapter 41

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Orion –

It took another month but the condo has finally been sold. We are heading over there today to finalize the paperwork and the buyer wanted to meet with us before signing.  I am not sure why but in an effort to have this all completed quickly we agreed. 

The past month has been amazing. We have been looking over many different properties that have peaked our interest in one form or another.  There are certain characteristics we are both looking for and will not accept anything that does not fall within those guidelines.

Our growing friendship with Harold and Fay has quickly become the best part of any day we are lucky enough to spend time with them. I do not know how Harold does it but when you look at the two of them together, interacting so lovingly they really do complete each other perfectly.

Where Fay is this endless ball of energy so vibrant and right there in your face, Harold is the complete opposite with his calming and commanding presence and when they are together, magic just happens naturally.

I have also strengthened the friendship that I have with Brian. I know that before my accident, he was an important part of my life.  Turns out he was my best man. We had a heart to heart not too long ago and he made it clear that although I may not have any memories of the my past, he does and betraying Shiloh the way I did was the most idiotic thing I could have ever done.  I could not agree with him more.

He also made it clear that if I ever went down that road again, he would put me right back into the hospital. I tried to remind him that he was my friend first but he let me know that a true friend is not someone who is going to let you get away with stupid shit.

I looked over at the man who pretty much is my best friend and let him know that betraying my angel in any form would never happen again.  He understood me knowing that the man I am now could never hurt my baby like that ever again.

Once every week the gang gets together at the pub and we all act like a bunch of rowdy teens. Knowing that my relationships are absolutely growing in strength and feeling much more at ease around my exclusive circle of friends, my sole focus lately has been on our home. We are both determined to get into our own space and want it to be perfect.

After we are done at the condo, we have to meet the gang at the pub later. It is the middle of the week and we normally do not meet at this time but I think that Fay wanted to have an impromptu celebration gathering for the sale of the condo.  Since my angel was all for this idea, I agreed immediately and follow wherever he goes.

I hear my baby come in and call out my name. "Hey, are you ready to go babe?" He asks as he kisses me on the lips. "I am always ready to go anywhere with you my angel." He giggles a little as he graces me with an endearing look, grabs my hand and pulls me out the front door.

At long last we arrive at the condo after hitting a lot of traffic and are about a half hour late to this meeting. Shiloh contacted the agent to advise her of our situation and she stated that it was okay due to the late arrival of the buyer as well. At least there was no guilt felt at being a little late.

Our very capable driver somehow managed to get us here in one piece even though he was utilizing some serious defensive driving moves out on the road. It was a bit scary. That extra time just gave Shiloh and I a chance to make out in the limo like a couple of naughty teenagers. When in close proximity, we cannot seem to go to long without touching each other in some way or another.  I love that about us.

Once the limo stops, the driver gets out and opens the door on my angel's side to let us out. Our agent is waiting outside in front of the condo. "Has the buyer arrived yet?" asks my angel. "He just arrived about ten minutes ago and chose to remain indoors." "Okay, we will be right in."

She nods her head to him and goes back into the condo and he turns towards me and asks, "Are you excited?" Feeding off his contagious smile I say, "Definitely, yes. Closing this chapter of our lives is exciting but I am more excited at the prospect of having a brand new home with you baby.  We can finally put the old past behind us and fully concentrate on building our new future together."

I plant a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. Then I wrap my arm around his waist and say, "Ready to go in?" With a blissed out look on his face he simply says, "Hmm hum..." We head to the front entrance of the condo and enter the small foyer before entering into the living room.

Once inside, our agent turns towards us and says, "Gentleman let me introduce you to the buyer.  This is Mr. Ivan Breeze." I look him over and have a vague recollection of this man. "Mr. Breeze, let me introduce you to Mr. Shiloh and Orion Degray."

He comes over to Shiloh and takes his hand and shakes it very tentatively. Looking at them standing side by side, they are so similar and that is when it hits me. "You are the guy that was standing outside weeks ago just staring at me. Who the hell are you? Do I know you?"

Shiloh sees me in distress and comes right up to me and rubs his hands up and down my chest. He quietly mumbles nonsense in an affort to calm me down.  Once he feels satisfied that I am better, he turns toward this mystery man and says, "Do you know my husband?"    

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