Chapter 37

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Orion –

I just carried my unconscious baby to our bed, carefully undressed him, went to the bathroom and came back with a glass of water and two aspirins which he will most definitely need in the morning. My angel was the life of the party and a party it was.  This surprised me a lot.

We were a boisterous bunch but everyone's sole focus was Shiloh. Brian and the other two misfits, Eric and Todd welcomed him into are group and effectively got my baby completely wasted. He seemed to soak in all of their attention and paid no mind to just how much he was imbibing.  I chose not to go past one drink since my last bout with alcohol ended so badly and I felt that one of us should be coherent.

I was okay with this plan since I kept watch over my angel like a hawk. There was not a single man or woman in this joint who was not interested in him once he crossed their gazes but I made it very clear who he belonged to.  His presence nearly commanded the entire pub.  Hell I think even couples were giving him interested looks.  

Shiloh loved what he calls, my caveman tendencies, and as long as he was not offended by my behavior, I did not give a crap about anyone else's opinion.  If they took the risk of looking at my angel, then they also took the risk of getting the evil glare from me.

Fay, the owner of the pub and his husband, Harold also joined our group after about an hour and it was an awesome night all around. Good food, good drink, fine company and the love of my life right in my lap. I loved how everyone included my angel in everything and the pure joy on his face left quite a guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Just how bad and selfish was I? I do not think I can ask him because I do not think he would know what to say. I know he tries to censure himself as he does not want to make me feel bad but I can only guess at how much worse I would feel if I did have these old memories.  At this point, after giving it some more thought, I decide to just let it go. The past is the past and our future awaits us.

After undressing I get in the bed with my only reason for existing, gather him up in my arms and pass out more satisfied with the outcome of this evenings events than I thought possible. I also hope my baby will not be too bad off come tomorrow since he has decided to have an early tea gathering with Fay and his husband.  Should be interesting to watch!


"What an amazing home you have here." says Fay with admiration in his voice. "Not mine. It belongs to my grandmother." "Well technically it is going to be yours if your grandmother does not out live us all." I respond jokingly. Well the view from the front of the property is astounding."

Harold and I walk behind our beautiful spouses like two warriors protecting our princesses. Shiloh is giving them the grand tour of the entire estate. It takes a good hour just to show them the mansion but eventually we make our way to the real treasure of this property.

The back patio runs the entire back of the property leaving you nothing but to gaze out at the beautiful view of the massive manicured grounds. You can hear Fay gasp in surprise and then squeal in delight. Then he catches a glimpse of the spread Shiloh had the staff put out before their arrival and it looks like a feast fit for royalty.

He claps his hands together vigorously and bounces on the balls of his feet and heads right for the table and says in a southern debutante accent, "Is all of this for me?  Why you shouldn't have!" Harold says, "What my beloved, I do not get anything to eat?" Fay gets this impish look on his face as he says, "I will share but only if I get to feed you myself lover!"

That has all of us laughing hysterically. He just continues to smirk at us all.  We all settle in at the table as Fay continues to gawk at the grounds. "Later on I want to give you the tour of the grounds and show you the hidden treasure at the center of the maze." "There is a maze? Out there?  Oh, I cannot wait to see it." Fay responds.  "It is pretty large but I think you will be delighted by what is hiding in it's center."

I do not know how he is managing to be the perfect host. I honestly think he drank his body weight in alcohol last night.  I know he has one wicked hangover as I can see it in his eyes but he seems to thrive on this get together and all of Fay's antics. It makes me wonder if he had any friends of his own other than me and his grandmother.  That would explain a lot of his behavior not just last night but every time one of my friends have paid me a visit.

I hope I am wrong but in all honesty I know that is not the case and it suddenly makes me sad for him. Well either way, all of that is changing for the better. I refuse to have my angel feel isolated ever again. He is such a special gift and I want the world to benefit from his beaming personality.  I want him to blossom and spread his wings.

I am brought out of my musings by the touch of his hand lightly caressing my arm up and down causing goosebumps to form on my skin from the tingles I always feel when ever he touches me. I look over at him and he gives me that are you alright stare and I smile in return to ease his worry. I take that same hand in mine and enjoy the company we are in for the rest of the day.

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