Chapter 44

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Shiloh –

The look of disbelief on his face frightens me at first but he never lets me go. If anything, his grasp on me tightens a bit more with my confession. I am so terrified of moving and breaking his concentration that I hold my breath in. Without really focusing on me he says, "When?"

I take a deep breath in.  "Last week." "How? I do not  understand." He is looking into my face with absolute incredulity on his. I lean away from him but he grabs me right back up into his arms and says, "No. You are not going anywhere. Nothing you could ever do could ever make me love you any less than I do right now."

"Shiloh my love, do you doubt my love for you?" My eyes open widely in shock and say, "No, of course not. I do not  doubt your love for me at all." I feel one of his hands come up to the side of my face and caress it gently and say, "What happened? I have so many questions running through my mind but the most important one is, are you alright?"

"Yes. I really am especially after seeing him." "Why would you do this alone? Were you afraid if I went that something would happen?" "Honestly Ori I did not put too much thought into it. I was not alone though." With a smirk on his face he said, "Let me guess, Fay!"

Laughing a little I respond.  "Yeah, he definitely was not letting me do this alone and I truly was glad for his company. I really needed it." "Will you tell me why you are so upset? Is this why you have been so weird the past week?" "I just felt guilty for keeping this secret from you."

I look at him and tears begin to form in my eyes again. "Hey, hey none of that." He says as he tries to dry my eyes with his hands. "I love you so much Ori but when I figured out who he was, I felt compelled to maybe get some answers from him. I needed some form of closure."

"Did you get it?" He says in a subdued voice and that prompts me to take a good look at him. He seems to be a bit dismayed so I hope with my next few words he is appeased and we can finally put this whole fucking nightmare to rest.

"Ori, I do not want you to think that I am judging you in anyway. After talking with him, I discovered that he was just as much a victim as I was. The old Orion did not just break my heart. He broke his too." I see the utter shame in his eyes at hearing my words but before he can fall into the pit of his own self despair, I say, "That is not who you are now love."

I snuggle right back into his lap and wrap my arms around him and get right into his line of sight. Once I have him trapped with my gaze I say, "We both know that now. It took him all of this time to get over you the way that I had to come to terms with what happened to us."

He kisses me very softly on the side of my neck. "What happened? What did he say?" "Well, in a nut shell, you were together for about six months. When he pushed for more, you pretty much broke it off and let him know that you were married. Since he had no clue that you were already attached to another, you broke something inside of him babe."

Again I can see how horribly guilty he feels at the chain of events that he caused with his disregard for anyone else's feelings.  But I feel I must continue so I say,  "Not believing in being "the mistress" as he put it, he has had to come to terms with this whole situation and I think after we talked, we have both made peace with it all."

"How did you figure out who he was?" "It just sort of came to me after we met with the buyer of the condo." He looks perplexed in thought and then suddenly, you can see it on his face the exact moment he realizes who we are referring to.

"Ivan Breeze? Are you kidding me baby he just bought our home?" He answers in agitation.  "Hey, babe calm down. It is done and over with. We both said our peace and it is done. No more okay. Although, he did have some wisdom to impart to you."

With a smart ass tone in his voice he says, "What could that possibly be?" With a smirk on my face I say, "He hopes that you know just how lucky you are to have me." "I do not need him or anyone to tell me what I have known from the moment I woke up from my coma love. I know what your are worth and I make you this promise here and now."

"Oh yeah, what is that?" "I will love you forever and I plan on spending the rest of my life doing just that." "Me too love, me too." I get up real close to the only man that has ever held any meaning in my heart. I hug him tight and kiss him with all that I have inside of me.

He overwhelms my senses with his desires as he takes the kiss to a whole new level. He gives me a look that says, take me to bed baby! He must see the same desire on my face as he proceeds to get up while I am still wrapped around him.

We make our way upstairs to our bedroom and he gently places me in the center of the bed. I look my man up and down his glorious body and he asks, "What my angel?" "I was thinking how funny fate works." He gives me a confused look. "With everything that has happened and we had to overcome, somehow fate kept us together by putting us on a different path to a new beginning."

With the most scintillating smile on his face, my love climbs into bed with me and we begin our new journey from this moment forward...    

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