Chapter 15

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Orion –

I guess I'm gay if I'm married to this angel.  This makes perfect sense to me with how I've reacted towards him.  Makes no difference to me because I can't stop my thoughts from swaying towards him just about every moment of the day. 

I must be a very lucky I man. Just  look at him. He's breathtaking. I've already noticed how the staff both male and female dote over him.  He does not seem to realize just what affect he has on people.  

But, with all that, he seems to only have eyes for me and I'm very okay with that. I just can't let him leave. I don't understand why I feel this way.  There is this desperate panic that grips my chest and I just need him here with me.  The thought of being without him completely terrifies me.  I need to get a handle on my erratic emotions but it is quite difficult. 

I feel him take my hand in his and I feel the slight zing of tingles run up my fingers.  I can only describe it as erotically calming and in some way familiar. I look over at him and he says, "Is that okay?" "What?" "Us, being husbands?" "It must be because I'm not bothered at all by the idea." Even though it's early evening, his smile just made the sun rise in this room.  Then he lightly giggles and my entire chest warms from the inside and I can't help but return his smile.

"So are you hungry? Dr. Yuri said liquids for tonight but that could change as soon as tomorrow." "No, I'm not really hungry but I heard that woman say she brought you dinner and I would feel more at peace if you ate."  I give him a concerned look.

"Nice, already trying to guilt trip me!" He says with a smirk on his face. "Well did it work?" "Not in the least but I'll eat anyway because I know that Cook went out of her way to prepare me this small feast and one does not waste her scrumptious concoctions" I give him a questioning look.

"Ah yes, sorry. This will take some getting used to. Emma is the mastermind who runs my grandmother's home. Cook is the nickname I dubbed her with as a child and she loved it so much that it stayed. The woman that was here earlier is my grandmother, Anastasia. You'll be formally introduced to her tomorrow.  She'll be joining us for the day more than likely to keep an eye on the both of us."

Trying to take in all of the information causes my head to slowly throb so I grab it in both my hands. Then I feel him begin to gently rub, what I am now discovering is my bald head, and say, "Get some rest while I eat. I'll be here the whole time. I won't leave the room at all so rest assured okay. Lay back down and rest okay."

"Alright, I am more exhausted than I anticipated.  I will rest easy knowing you are here right by my side." "Let me get the nurse to see if they can give you something for the pain okay.  I'll be right back." I suddenly feel very sluggish so I nod my head in agreement. It's the only movement I can muster since I feel so drained physically as I try to endure the aching throb in my head.

As I close my eyes, I think about tomorrow and what it will bring. I have so many questions and I know that many of those answers will come from my angel. Questions like, how did I end up here? What exactly happened? How long have I been here? Seems long to me if he fainted when I woke up. But the most important question of all is, who the hell am I and why do I feel like something is very, very wrong.

I feel it like a memory just out of my reach. I hear it like a whisper that I cannot comprehend.   My mind is still going a mile a minute and sleep doesn't come so easy but putting my thoughts to him has a way of keeping me calm.

Shiloh must have felt my anxiousness since he suddenly appeared at my side and says, "Are you okay?" I look up at him and somehow without saying a single word, he just knows.  Every time I lay my eyes on him, I can't help but to hold on to my breath as he takes it away every time with his beauty.

He bends down and places a delicate kiss on my forehead and better than any pain killer, the tingling sensation left behind by his lips run a soothing course down my scalp, through my hairline ending at the base of my skull.

Then he runs the tips of his fingers through my bald head repeatedly and causes me to shiver in ecstasy. Just staring into his unique green eyes makes me feel a sense of calmness and I begin to relax enough to finally let my eyes close.

I'm still aware of his presence which soothes my soul like a lullaby.  Wherever he lays his touch upon me, I feel those amazing tingles vibrate sporadically throughout my body.  Somehow I know deep inside of me, that it's always been this way.

I'm not sure how much longer it took for me to finally fall asleep but I know that because of his presence, his touch and even his smell, and God does he smell so alluring like pure sunshine, I'm able to it let all go and finally, finally succumb to sleep and dream of things that make no sense to me at all and leave me in a state of such confusion. 

I welcome the end to this day as tomorrow will bring to light all the answers I seek in my mind.  Hopefully, it will bring me that much closer to the one that already seems to hold my heart!

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