Play date ☆

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"Y/n!" Your mom calls to you from downstairs.

"Yes?!" You shout back.

No reply.

"What mom?!"

No reply.

You grunt and throw your blankets off of yourself. Stomping down the stairs, irritated.

"Yes, mother?" You calmly ask.

"I need you to take y/s/n to his/her play date with Isla."

"What? No way."

"Yes way. I have to head back to the school to do more paperwork and you have to take your brother/sister. Now, go. You have to be there in 20 minutes." Your mom says, shooing you away.

You grunt and stomp away for the second time, and head to your room upstairs to get your shoes and phone.

Once you're done you head downstairs to grab your car keys and your younger sibling.

"Are you ready to go?" You ask y/s/n, as he/she puts on his/her shoes.


You both walk out the front door and head to your car. Y/s/n gets in the back seat and you check to make sure they're buckled in.

You then get in the drivers seat, buckle yourself in, check your mirrors, then start the car and drive away.

The drive to the Avery's was only about 10 minutes and your mom had text you the directions.

Once your arrive you park the car, and you and y/s/n both get out. You walk to the front door and ring the doorbell.

You hear shuffling inside and finally the door opens.

A beautiful, curly haired boy answers the door with a smile. He looks at you a little confused, then looks down at y/s/n.

"Oh hey y/s/n! Isla is inside waiting for you."

Y/s/n smiles and disappears inside the large house.

"And you must be his/her sister." The boy says with another gorgeous smile.

"That's me. I'm y/n, by the way."

"Jack." He says, sticking his hand out for you to shake.

Jack let's you inside and he tells you to make yourself at home.

"Are you the only one here?" You ask Jack.

"Yup, just me and Isla. Everyone else is out somewhere." He laughs. "The kids are gonna be off playing somewhere, so do you wanna do something?"

"Yeah, for sure. What do you wanna do?"

"Do you like scary movies?"

A large smile crosses your face, "Absolutely."


After watching Get out and Rings y/s/n finally gets tired and decides he/she wants to go home.

"I had a great time, Jack." You say with a smile.

"I did too. Would it be weird if I asked for your number?" Jack asks.

"I'd be sad if you didn't."


Preference next💞

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