Stretch marks ☆

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Please read a/n at end☆


   You and Jonah sat on the couch in your living room, the movie Moana playing on your flat screen TV.

You were cuddled into each others side, his hand wrapped tightly around your waist, stopping you from going anywhere.

About an hour into the movie you realized Jonah was shifting around a little too much.

"Baby? Are you okay?" You gently ask.

Jonah doesn't respond, but he leans over and begins lightly kissing your neck. You then knew what was wrong.

He peppered kisses all over the soft, delicate skin then began sucking lightly, leaving love bites behind.

You slightly moaned as he kissed your sweet spot, causing Jonah to move around until he was on top of you.

He trailed his lips up back to your lips and kissed you, roughly and lovingly at the same time.

His hand trailed down your stomach and slipped into your shirt when you quickly pulled away, rolling off the couch and onto the floor.

You quickly stand up and turn away, earning a sigh from Jonah.

"Baby." He sighs again.

"I- I'm not ready." You mumble. But the truth was, you were ready. You were just scared about what Jonah would do when he found out about the scars on your tummy and thighs.

"Okay love, but- when can we? We've been together for ten months and I don't know, I guess-."

"Jonah." You say, turning back around and looking him in the eyes. "It's not you, I promise. It's just that-" You stop short and turn away again, unable to face him.

Jonah stands up and puts his arms on your shoulders, "What babygirl?"

"I have stretch marks." You mumble once more, you didn't think Jonah could've heard.

"You have stretch marks?" Jonah asks, a small giggle passing his lips and a smile on his face.

You look up and meet his eyes again, "Yes."

He shakes his head, "Baby, I don't care. They're beautiful, just like everything else about you. I fell in love with you and your body too. You shouldn't be ashamed of anything. I love you."

You smile and lean up to peck his lips, "I love you too, Jonah."


This was short, I know lol. I'll get requests up soon, I promise!

Also, something I really want to say. If you have stretch marks and you think they're ugly or gross, they're not, trust me. I have stretch marks and so do a LOT of people. They don't mean you're fat or anything bad, it just means your skin is stretching and it could be from growing or even losing weight. They are NOT something to be embarrassed of. They're beautiful, just like you. And if someone ever trys to make fun of you for them, don't listen because they're jealous. Don't take crap from ANYONE about them and realize that you're a fucking queen who doesn't need their bullshit. I love all of you, and if anyone ever needs someone to talk to or vent to, my messages are open to anyone. Your body is beautiful, embrace it princess. ♡♡


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