☆Group chat #2☆

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Jonah🔥: So Zach are you gonna do it?

Danny boy👀: Do what?

Jackie🙊: What?

Y/n/n👑: Wdym?

Corbean🐰: Huh?

Zach😍❤: Oh my god Jonah, no.

Jonah🔥: Bro just do it!

Jackie🙊: What are you guys talking about?

Y/n/n👑: Yeah I'm confused..

Zach😍❤: Nothing guys! Don't worry about it.

Danny boy👀: Well I'm worried about it..

Corbean🐰: Yeah guys, spill.

Jonah🔥: ZACH!

Zach😍❤: JONAH!

Y/n/n👑: Okay guys, what's going on?

Jackie🙊: Are you guys doing drug stuff?

Corbean🐰: You're not in trouble, right?

Jonah🔥: No it's not like that. Zach just has something to ask Y/n/n.

Y/n/n👑: Me?

Zach😍❤: Actually I don't. I don't know what you're talking about Jonah.

Jonah🔥: Zach I swear to god, I will leak all your baby pictures on the Internet.

Zach😍❤: FINE!

Zach😍❤: Y/n, I like you a lot. Will you go on a date with me this Friday?

Danny boy👀: Holy shit.

Jackie🙊: Y/N WHAT DO YOU SAY?!

Corbean🐰: 👀👀^^^^

Y/n/n👑: Wait, really?

Zach😍❤: Really. Unless you don't want to, then I'm joking.

Y/n/n👑: Lol, no Zach. I like you too and yes :)💕.


Jackie🙊: Ahhhh, I ship it so hard.

Corbean🐰: Now we can go on double dates!

Y/n/n👑: Haha that sounds perfect Corbyn.

Zach😍❤: So I'll pick you up Friday at 5?

Y/n/n👑: Sounds great, Zach💘.


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Okay, but why are group chats so fun to write?

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