Leaving ☆

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Written by my very good friend Unicornlandia56 show her some love❤


Y/n POV:
For the first time, I actually woke up before Zach.

I've been feeling kinda sad because I haven't got my acceptance letter from my dream college in New York(a/n I'm srry I'm too lazy to find a college).

I get out of the warmth of Zach's arms and head over to make breakfast when I see the mailman.

 He puts mail in our mailbox and I feel my excitement grow. Stop thinking like that; you are definitely overreacting.

I calmly poured a glass of milk(or whatever u drink in the morning) and sipped at it lightly. After a couple sips, I couldn't wait any longer.

I walked hastily over and grabbed all of the mail stuffed into the mailbox. I flipped through each letter, but was very disappointed when I couldn't find what I was looking for.

 As I got to the last letter with heavy heart, I found what I was searching for. Y/n Y/l/n was written in big bold letters and I was nervous. Inside this letter was my future. My make or break.

Should I wait for Zach to open it? I decided against it because Zach had always been very skeptical about me going to university. I gently opened up the letter and opened it before I backed out.

 I skimmed through the paper until I saw a sentence that caught my eye. 

It is with great pleasure to inform you of your acceptance... I was shocked. I GOT ACCEPTED!!

"ZACH" I screamed. I hear a "thud" sound and footsteps and soon Zach picks me up and asks me questions. "Are you hurt is there a fire......" His lips keep moving but I'm too happy to process what he's saying.

 I feel tears running down my face and Zach starts wiping them away. "Baby what's wrong did I do something im sorry for what I did I don't know but I probably didn't mean it and I'm-" he quickly gets cut off by my lips connecting with his. We deeply made out for a couple of minutes and soon we both pull away.

 Zach's normal shade of pink cheeks have gone to a deep red. "What did I do to deserve that? I mean, I wouldn't mind doing it again..." He said cheekily. I chuckled at him and showed him the letter.

 He reads it and looks at me with a serious expression.

"You are going to be so far away." He whispered softly. My smile quickly turned into a frown. I didn't think about that part.

Zach's next words actually shocked me. "I think this is our end Y/n" he told me. The tears came again, but this time they weren't happy tears.

 "That's it? You're going to give up on our relationship of 3 years just like that?? I was willing to make it work, but now I see that this relationship was nothing to you." I said sharply.

His head drooped down and I could barely hear what he was saying.

 "Long distance relationships don't usually work.."

"I was willing to make it work because I love you so much Zach, but now I see the feelings are not returned." I answered.

"No that's not it! They are returned, it's just-"

"You don't love me as much as I love you. Don't worry Zach you won't see me anymore. I'll get my things tomorrow and head for university. Goodbye Zach" I grabbed my phone and left for my friend Kiki's house.

 I repeatedly pounded my fist on her door just wanting comfort. She opened the door looking shocked.

"Kiki" I croaked. "I think Zach and I broke up." I whimper. She rushed me in and sat me down on the couch. She silently gave me a spoon and a tub of ice cream, carrying a spoon of her own. She put on a movie and sat down.

I smiled up at her greatly, and she returned it with a warm smile. "I love you, weirdo" she told me teasingly.

 "I love you too, dork." I teased back. We were having so much fun that I didn't notice all texts and missed calls from a very familiar person.

As the credits roll, I hear a frantic pounding at the door, similar to when I pounded the door for Kiki.

 We both looked at each other and went for the door. Was it Zach? He wouldn't come back for me.... Would he??

We opened the door to see the one and only, Zach Herron, but it didn't exactly look like him.

His hair was a little longer, clothes greatly wrinkled. But his eyes; bloodshot and red with huge bags under them.

Kiki starts to yell at him, but he didn't seem fazed. He just looks at me longingly.

 "Y/n" he whispered longingly.
He shyly thrusts the flowers towards me and I carefully take them in my arms. "I'm sorry, I screwed up: big time. I was just upset that you were leaving and I took it out on you, but that is wrong too. I just hope you can forgive me and be mine again. I don't care if you are far away I'll even come and visit you." He then waited for my answer as I let his words sink in.

 I looked at him and all my doubt went away. This boy has somehow given me his heart and stolen mine in the process.

I jumped into his arms and whispered yes repeatedly. He stumbled a little bit but regained his balance. He smiled into my neck. "I thought I lost you for a second" he told me truthfully. And we stayed there for a while; me in his arms in front of Kiki's apartment.

"This is too cute I have to" Kiki said as she randomly took pictures of us.

 "Send me those" my voice muffled from being in Zach's arms. "We will make it work. I know we will. Me and you.... Forever." Zach told me quietly so that no one else could hear.

And in that moment I knew.... I am never leaving this boy.


Requested by icanteven12345 💕💕

Again, this was written by my friend because my hand is sore and she wanted to help me out💖 much love to her💞


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