☆Dating him includes☆

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-Neck kisses

-Him teaching you to skateboard

-You failing miserably at skateboarding and him giving up

-You forcing him to wear his glasses because you think he looks adorable

-Him wearing his contacts anyway

-Lots of "I love you's"

-Him getting jealous a lot

-You always gushing over Isla (Holy fuck she's adorable)

-Making terrible musical.ly's together

-Stealing his hats

-Forehead kisses

-Always holding hands

-Him not accepting the fact you can't play instruments so he tries to teach you

-Him giving up on trying to teach you because you wouldn't take it seriously

-Him buying you everything because he thinks you deserve the world

-Stealing his beanies

-"I am so deeply in love with you."

-Posting pictures of each other with cute, romantic captions

-Always supporting each other

-Him always worrying about you, "Have you ate yet?" "Did you make it home safely?" Etc.

-Cheek kisses

-Him always wanting to carry you everywhere whether it be on his back or in his arms

-Taking cute selfies together

-Failing at skateboarding together

-Always thinking about your future with one another

-Pranking all the other boys (Including Logan)

-You always wanting to spend time with Reese

-You calling him baby and him calling you princess

-Pick up line wars 25/8

-"How in the world did I get so lucky to get to have you by my side?"

-Lip kisses

-Him always wanting to be around you no matter what you were doing

-Him constantly trying to tickle you

-"Corbyn Matthew Besson I am going to chop off your penis if you keep tickling me."

-Being best friends with Ashley (I'm lowkey gay for her)

-You stealing his shirts because they're huge on you and comfortable

-Always having movie nights/ lazy days

-Calling him "Corbean"

-Him getting jealous of the other 4 boys because he thinks they're going to take you from him

-"She's mine."

-Head kisses because you're shorter than him

-Stealing his hoodies because he has so many and they smell amazing

-"Hey, have you seen my blue hoodie anywhere?"


-LOTS of pda

-The other boys constantly making kissing noises at you

-Being his #1 fan

-Being best friends with Esther

-Getting Starbucks together on a daily basis

-Him laughing at your height JUST because he's taller than you (Smh)


Hi I'll have a large Jonah Marais please.

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