Wedding vows ☆

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   It was that day. That one special day where you tie the knot with your significant other. You had dreamed of this day since you were little and now it was finally happening.

You stared into the mirror, your hair and makeup beautifully done. You flattened out your dress a little and shifted around a bit in your expensive heels.

You reached up towards your neck, feeling the diamond necklace and smiling to yourself. It was the promise necklace Jack had given you almost 5 years ago, since he had said promise rings were out of 'style' and cliché.

"Y/n?" You hear. You turn around and see your father standing there. He was tearing up at just the sight of his little girl.

"Hi dad." You whisper, smiling.

Your dad takes a deep breath and holds his arm out, "Are you ready?"

"Absolutely." You walk over and take his arm, you both stepping out of the small room.

You walk down the halls and eventually make your way outside, where the ceremony would be held.

Your father stops walking right before you could have been seen by anyone, "You look beautiful, princess. Just know that you'll always be daddy's little girl."

You laugh lightly, "Dad, stop you're going to make me cry."

He chuckles and kisses you on the cheek. You both continue walking and once you're in sight, every voice instantly stops and all eyes turn towards you.

Music lightly plays in the background but you heard nothing. You couldn't as your mind was focused on one thing, him.

There, at the end of the aisle stood a crying Jack. You both made eye contact and he started crying a little more. He wiped his eyes and smiled at you, causing you to smile back.

You look into the crowd of people seeing your family, Jack's family, the other 4 boys families and many others.

You looked at the bridesmaids and groomsmen and made eye contact with Zach. You smiled at him and he gave you a thumbs up causing you to giggle.

Once you finally reach Jack and the priest your dad gives your arm to Jack, a smile on both of their faces.

"Thank you." Jack whispers to your father. Your dad nods and makes his way to his seat in the crowd.

"You look stunning." Jack says to you as you both get positioned in the right places.

"As do you." You say, earning a laugh from him.

The priest clears his throat and opens his book, getting ready to marry you and Jack.

"We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision 
to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly 
declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish."

You and Jack stare deeply into each others eyes, your hands intertwined together. The priest continues,

"I believe you both have vows prepared, y/n would you like to start?"

Your mind and heart were both racing and you were finally brought back to the moment. "Yes, of course."

You smile at Jack and begin, you had memorized your vows in fear that you would lose the paper, "Jack. I love you without fear, without hesitation, and promise to support you, encourage you, and cherish you as your wife. As your wife, I am yours, I pledge my heart and soul to you and you alone. I promise to be a nurturing wife, compassionate companion, and to always be on your side, always. Live with me, laugh with me, love with me, and I will be your devoted wife forevermore. The ring is a symbol of our unity, an eternal unbroken circle and it embodies my promise that wherever I may go, I will always return to you, my husband. I take you as my husband and promise to be true to you. I take you as my husband for now and forever more, without any reservation, I give myself freely and with conviction that we will live out our days in wedded bliss. May the ring I give you today remind you all our days of this wonderful moment, and the love we feel for each other that will last all time. I vow to need you, to say goodnight and to have and adore even when you feel down. At any time, in any place I want only to be by your side. Marriage is a symphony of grace orchestrated by almighty God, reflecting his love to mankind. You are my love, and my guide, a true partner, a man that I will love, hold close, honor, kiss, and cry with for all the days of my life. I take you as my husband, and pledge a vow of honesty and fidelity. It is one I give willingly, easily, gracefully, at this moment and for our whole lives. Wherever our journey leads us, I promise to walk with you arm in arm, hand in hand, to hold you as your wife and to learn from you, love you, and surprise you, forever. You are the love of my life and make me the happiest woman on earth. Happier than I could ever have imagined. And I feel blessed to start our lives together."

You could hear everone awe at your vows but you couldn't take your eyes off the man in front of you.

"Jack, now yours." The priest says.

"Uh, ye- yes." Jack moves around a bit, stuttering over his words. He reaches into his suit pocket and retrieves a paper that was double sided. You giggled at the adorable sight.

"Y/n. I stand by you, a rock to lean on, a shoulder to cry on, a pillow to rest your head. I promise to spend each day working to become the truest version of myself, for you, for us, and for our family. I promise to be here to wipe away tears of sadness, to elicit tears of joy, and to cry out to everyone who will listen how much I love you. As your husband, I am yours, and I tenderly deliver you my heart. You are my light, my inspiration, and I am blessed to be able to call you my ever loving wife. I vow to love you and keep you every day of my life as my wife, to look into your eyes adoringly as I do now, and to kiss you tenderly on your lips as a remembrance of our wedding day. My wife is gentle, my wife is kind, my wife is devoted, loving, true, honest, sincere. My wife is all those things, but most amazingly, my wife is you. I will shield you from the wind, cover you from the rain, and make a home for us inside my heart. Sometimes I watch just the smallest things you do and think I am the luckiest man alive. I vow to love you as your husband, for ever and ever and ever, and to know that as we write our story together it will be the greatest ever told. You are my wife, my life, my everything and I vow to love you truly and deeply. Hold my hand and I'll take you as my wife down the road of matrimony, arm in arm with hearts aflame, I'll teach you what I know and learn from you how to love forever and ever. I vow to be patient, to be honest, to be everything that love demands of me as a husband. To share our lives until the end of time with humility, grace, and love. I promise you only all of myself, to be present, to be supportive, enthusiastic, and loving. I will be there for you as your husband. Because I am completely, utterly, one hundred percent in love with you."



Hey, you're beautiful. I hope you're having a great day/night.


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