Prank ☆

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   "Hey guys! I'm back with another video this week, and last week I asked you what kind of video you wanted and you guys suggested a prank video!" You say into your canon camera.

You were a successful youtuber, with 3.4 million subscribers.

"And, I thought of the perfect prank. I'm going to be pranking my boyfriend, Daniel Seavey, he's in a band for those of you who don't know. Though you should, I always talk about him," You laugh. "I'm going to be doing a cheating prank. Now, I would never ever cheat for real, because not only is it wrong, but I absolutely love Daniel with all my heart so this is one hundred percent just a prank."

You shift around on your chair a little bit and continue explaining, "Okay, so Daniel and the boys are rehearsing in the studio and they should actually be back in like an hour. I'm going to be using one of my makeup pallets and I'm going to put a 'hickey' on my collar bone, and I'm going to tell Daniel I had someone over while he was rehearsing and we did some stuff."

You giggle and sigh, "Okay, I'm like, actually scared for this. Do it for the views?"

You take your camera off the tripod and walk into the bathroom connected to yours and Daniels bedroom.

You grab out one of your 'Too Faced' pallets and begin to apply your fake hickey.

You talk into the camera a little more, explaining how nervous you were.

You finally finish up the hickey and apply some more details to make it look more believable. Once you're finished you check the time, 5:53 p.m.

"Okay guys," You sigh. "Daniel and the boys should be here in about 7 minutes, at six. I'm going to put a scarf on so the boys can't see the hickey, and I'm also going to place this camera somewhere hidden in the room so Daniel can't see it and I'm going to place another one in the living room so I get the shots from when the boys first get home. Wish me luck!"

You hide a camera in the living room first and then hide one in your bedroom.

Once you finish hiding the cameras you check the time again, 6:00 p.m.

You sigh again and then hear the door start to open. You run to the bathroom and check to make sure your scarf covered the hickey then make your way downstairs.

The boys were in the living room, taking off their jackets and shoes.

"Um, Daniel. Can I uh, talk to you a sec?" You ask.

All eyes turn to you and Daniel says, "Of course, but why are you wearing a scarf? It's like seventy degrees."

"Um, can I explain upstairs?"

All the boys look at each other and you see Daniel's smile drop from his face, "Ye- yeah. Let's go."

You both make your way upstairs towards your bedroom and you mentally sigh and slap yourself in the face for choosing this prank.

You and Daniel enter your room and he shuts the door behind him, "What's going on?"

"While you and the boys were rehearsing, I uh, had a friend come over and-"

"And?" He asks, fright all over his face.

"This." You take your scarf from your neck and Daniels eyes go wide once he sees the fake hickey.

"No." He puts his hands over his face and you can see his eyes water. "You- you cheated on me?"

"Baby, I'm sorry. It was a mistake."

"A mistake!? I trusted you, y/n! How could you betray my trust like that? And in my house!"

"Daniel I know, I'm sorry." You start.

"No! I don't want to hear it!" He yells.

Jack and Corbyn come in the room, "What's going on?" Jack asks.

"Y/n cheated on me while we were gone!" Daniel says, his voice muffled by his cries.

Jack and Corbyn's eyes go wide and turn to you, anger written on their faces.

"Get out." Corbyn says.

You start to laugh a little, a mix of amusement and sadness.

"Are you fucking laughing!?" Jack asks.

You walk over to where you hid the camera, under a sweatshirt on your desk and point it at the boys.

"Surprise?" You say.

"Wh- what?" Daniel asks.

"Baby, you guys, it's makeup. I swear." You take your hand and rub at your collar bone, the eye shadow smearing off and onto your hand.

Daniel walks over to you and gives you a huge hug smothering you, "Thank you for not actually cheating on me." He cries.

"I could never, and I would never. I love you, so much."

You look over and see Jack and Corbyn still standing there, and then Jonah and Zach come in.

Corbyn sighs a huge sigh and Zach asks, "What's up guys? Me and Jonah went to get ice cream."

"Y/n fake cheated on Daniel." Jack says.

Jonah and Zach give each other puzzled looks, "Fake cheated?"

You smile and try to pry Daniel off of you then say, "For my channel, surprise." You point the camera at the four boys standing at the door.

The boys by the door laugh and Jonah adds;

"Well that's nice, but we bought ice cream! How great is that?"


For Shewasthesunset 💕


Also, I changed my profile pic to Jughead Jones, aka Cole Sprouse, aka one of my many daddys.


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