Petty arguments ☆

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Request written by Unicornlandia56 ❤❤


Y/n POV:
I was deeply involved with one of my favorite books, fifty shades of grey.. Did u really think I would write that?? Well you were wrong. NEVER judge a book by it's cover (if u get this let's be friends bc I don't have any friends and I need friends). NOW LEMME WRITE THE ACTUAL IMAGINE XD

I was reading one of my favorite books, and I've been doing this for a while. I'm currently ignoring Jonah because he ate MY DUCKING SANDWICH! -_- Silent treatment is a witch JoJo.

Anyway, I already got to the best part so no more intense happiness for me :/ The only thing bothering me was my stomach slightly growling at me, but I was way too lazy to make food.

I sadly sighed and continued to snuggle up in my bed and continue to read this beautiful piece of literature that I call a book(a/n: dang I actually sounded smart we need to celebrate!!).

My stomach yet again started to growl at me, but I ignored it.

"Y/n?" Jonah called me softly. I ignored him and continued to read my book. I'm getting lost in the words until I suddenly feel my book being ripped out of my hands.

I calmly suppressed my anger and decided to go to sleep. But, unfortunately, Jonah had other plans.

"Y/n, sweet, my love, my soulmate, my other half, im sorry." He said sweetly. I huffed and faced the other side of the bed.

Jonah then started poking my cheek and wouldn't stop. I slapped his hand away and he pouted.

"That's domestic violence!!" he wailed. I wanted to yell at him, but I want to make him suffer even more, so I continued to ignore him. He kept on annoying me and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Did you know that I love you so much and I really love you and I will never stop loving you and-" he was cut off by my lips planted on his own.

"You really need to shut up."

"I'll shut up if you'll forgive me! I feel so bad for eating your food and I know you're hungry but I just wanted to and-" he was one again cut off and I quite enjoy cutting him off.

"I bought u Chipotle" he whispered against my lips. I looked at him shocked.


"Nooo I'm not kidding it's on the table go look!" I usain bolted to the table and saw a bag with the words CHIPOTLE written in the side.

"JONAH!" I screamed.

He ran towards me and kissed my cheek. I jumped up and gave him a big hug.

"I love you so much you are forgiven."

"Good" he says, his smile reaching up to his eyes. He can be a real idiot, but he's my idiot.


A/n: I'm doing Kiki's requests so u can just dm me what u want and which boi. Idk about this one bc I'm writing it feeling a little depressed so it might not look like it has a lot of effort.... I'm srry :'(
Anyway CONGRATS PRINCESS ON GETTING 500k READS I'M SO PROUD OF U I LOVE YOU💓💓💓💓💓 ok I know that nobody reads these but I just wanted to say it anyway.


Requested by stefibunny like a month ago, sorry its been so long sweets!💕

Hello friends, does anyone wanna be in a wdw gc on ig? Im gonna put the boys in it and it'll be a great way to make friends. If you wanna be in it, dm me your ig username❤ p.s. I'm adding a max of 9 people so you gotta be quick.

Qotd: Are there any cute boys in your school?

Aotd: No lmao

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