Babysitting ☆

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   "So, what're we doing tonight?"  Corbyn asks on the other line.

"Well, I don't know what you're doing, but I'm babysitting." You reply, adjusting your phone.

"Babysitting? Why?"  Corbyn whines.

"Because love, it's the beginning of summer and I wanna make some money. Plus, the little girl is super sweet."

"Well can I come too?"

"I'll call her parents and ask, okay?"

"Okay babygirl, I love you."

"I love you too."

You hang up the phone and proceed to call Mrs. Anderson, the mother of the little girl you're babysitting.

The phone rings three times until she finally answers, "Why hello y/n! What a pleasant surprise! I should still expect to see you tonight, right?"

"Yes, Of course. I was just calling to see if I could bring my friend Corbyn over with me to babysit Callie tonight."

"That shouldn't be a problem dear, I'll leave some extra money for him. I'll see you soon."

"Thank you Mrs. A! See you soon." You hang up the call and text Corbyn, telling him she said yes and that you'll pick him up in about 45 minutes.


You pull up in front of Corbyns house and text him to let him know you're outside.

Within a matter of seconds he comes out and smiles at you, then makes his way to your car.

"Hi baby." He says, getting in the passenger seat.

"Hey Corbs." You quickly kiss each other and then you proceed to your last destination.

"Don't worry babe, Callie is super sweet." You say, not taking your eyes off the road.

"I'm not worried." Corbyn says, "How old is she?"

"She's 5, she'll be 6 in about 3 months."

Corbyn nods and you finally pull up to the large house, after about a 15 minute drive from Corbyns house.

You both get out and go up to the front door, knocking.

The door opens, revealing a middle aged woman.

"Y/n! How good to see you, dear. And you must be Corbyn, I'm Mary Anderson." She extends her hand out for Corbyn to shake and he gladly excepts it.

"Hi Mrs. Anderson. Thank you for letting me come over tonight." Corbyn smiles.

"It's no problem at all, please come inside!" She opens the door wider so you both can walk in.

The inside of the house was beautiful and large, certainly too big for only 3 people.

Mrs. Anderson leads you and Corbyn into the kitchen, where Mr. Anderson stands.

"Good to see you, y/n." He says, "And Corbyn."

"Good to see you too, sir." You smile.

Mr. Anderson smiles a large smile, "Well we better get going, Callie is upstairs in her room. She shouldn't bother you too much."

"Oh please, she's no bother at all. You both have a good time and don't rush." You say.

The Anderson's smile at you and then leave the house.

You check the time on your phone, 6:07 p.m.

"Let's go upstairs and see Callie." You suggest to Corbyn.

"Okay." He agrees.

You take his hand and lead him up the stairs. Once arriving to the second floor, you walk down the hall until you reach a door with assorted stickers and posters of little kid shows.

You knock on the door, "Callie?"

You hear her squeal on the other side, "Y/n/n!"

She opens the door, a large smile on her face.

"Hi beautiful." You say, giggling at her eagerness.

"Who's that?" She asks, pointing to Corbyn.

"This is my friend Corbyn."

"Hi Callie." Corbyn says, waving.

Callie examines Corbyn, looking him up and down, then finally turns to you and whispers, "Wow, he's cute. Good job."

You and Corbyn bust out laughing and then she laughs too.

"Well thank you. Anyway, you have about 2 hours before bed, what do you wanna do?" you ask.

"Dress up?" She suggests.

You and Corbyn exchange glances until he blurts out, "YEAH!"


20 minutes later, the three of you were dressed up as characters from Cinderella. Callie was Cinderella, Corbyn was the Prince, and you were the evil step mother.

You played throughout the whole movie, from Cinderella's father dying, to Cinderella going to the ball, to her marrying the Prince.

After you were done playing you checked the time on your phone again, 7:53 p.m.

"Callie, are you about ready for bed, love?" You ask, helping her take off her dress.

"Can I fall asleep to Cinderella?"

You smile at the little girl, "Only if you don't tell."

"It'll be our little secret." She whispers.

You help her into her pajamas and get her settled into bed, then put the princess movie into her DVD player.

"Good night, Callie." You say, kissing her head.

"Good night y/n/n, good night Corbyn!" She says, looking at you then at Corbyn who was leaning on the door frame.

"Good night Callie." He gently says.

You smile once more and walk out of the room with your boyfriend, quietly shutting the door.

You walk down the stairs into the large living room and sit on the couch together.

"You're going to be a great mom one day." Corbyn says, looking at you with loving eyes.

"You'll be a great dad one day." You reply, intertwining your fingers.

"This should be our thing." Corbyn says, kissing the back of your hand.

"What? Babysitting?"


"I'd like that."


My mom thinks I'm writing smut, but I'm too innocent to do that :(

I just realized how many times people smiled in this imagine, dang.

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