☆How you calm him down☆

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When he's angry or upset ❤

-You rub his back. You let him lay his head on your lap and you rub your hands all over his back, tracing light circles and patterns.

-You run your fingers through his hair. You put your forehead on his and run your fingers through the soft locks of his hair, helping his breathing go back to normal.

-You tell him things you love about him. You both cuddle up on the couch or in your bed and you whisper your favorite things about him in his ear, causing a large smile to spread across his cute face.

-You take a bath together. No, you don't do sexual things but you both sit in the warm bath water, you cuddled up against his chest. The soothing sound of your soft breathing helps calm him down.

-You look into his eyes. When Jonah is upset you just look into his eyes and smile. He always tells you that's the best way because when he looks at you, all of his troubles seem to fly away.


Qotd: Who's your favorite wdw boy?

Aotd: Zach😩😩

I might start doing simple questions and answers like once a day just so you all can get to know me a little better :)

Also happy Dolan Twin tuesday❤ I'm happy my other favorite boys are doing better.

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