Dusk till Dawn ☆

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Please play the song while you read this, it'll make the imagine so much better❤


   "Corbyn, we're lost." You frustratedly sigh.

"We're not lost, I know where I'm going. I promise you I'll get us home safely."

"We've been going in circles! And where's the fucking path Corbyn?! We're lost!" You scream, looking around the huge snowy mountain you both were walking on.

Corbyn had taken you out to a cabin almost 2,000 miles away from home for a vacation. Today he insisted on going skiing, only for you both to end up lost with nothing in sight except snow for miles.

"We're not lost y/n!" He shouts back, causing you to flinch at the loudness. Your eyes go wide, realizing that he had just yelled at you causing you to scoff.

"Whatever, then how far do we have to walk to get back to civilization?" You ask more calmly this time.

He doesn't answer, he just continues on walking. You walk next to him, taking in your surroundings to hopefully see anything that could help you get back.

You had left your skis behind after walking for about an hour as they were far to heavy to trudge up a mountain with. You were now on your third hour of walking, still not seeing anything.

"How could we have gotten so far off the trail, this doesn't make sense." Corbyn mumbles softly, hoping you couldn't hear. You had walked at least another mile.

"I thought you knew where you were going." You whisper, tears coming to your eyes, "Cor- Corbyn, where are we?"

He sighs a shaky sigh before turning to you. He pulls you into his chest, the faint smell of his cologne still lingering on his heavy coat. He places a wet kiss on your forehead before placing his head on your head, "I swear on my life, I will get you home. No matter what I have to do. You're my top priority."

A tear escapes the corner of your eye, "I'm scared."

"Baby, I'm right here. You'll never be alone okay?"

You nod your head and look up, meeting his sad, cold eyes. He turns away and takes your hand, leading you up the mountain further. This wasn't even the mountain you and Corbyn had gone down in the first place, you were in a completely different area.

Saying you were scared was an understatement, you were terrified.

With only having the clothes on your backs, you and Corbyn had nothing. No food, no phones, nothing. No way to find help.

Not another word had been said between the two of you, but that changed when Corbyn had seen the sun starting to go down.

"We need to find shelter, it's starting to get dark." Corbyn says.

You nod in agreement, taking his shaking hand even tighter in yours.

"C'mon, let's go this way. Maybe we will find something."

You both walk further, the sun setting even more with each step you took. You were starving, freezing and afraid. But you were keeping Corbyn's word, hoping he would keep his promise and save you both. You didn't want to die out here, you couldn't.

Stumbling across some trees, you realize you could find somewhere to stay in there.

"Corbyn, le- let's go through there. I- I'm sure we'll fi- find something." You stutter over your words, trying to find the energy to make them out better.

You pull your hand from Corbyns, quickly putting them both in your coat pocket trying to warm them and help the numbness.

Not having any luck of finding somewhere to stay over night, Corbyn decides it would be best to sit in front of a huge tree and wait till morning.

"Maybe we could try to make a fire?" Corbyn suggests.

"How? With what?"

"Well I-" He sighs, "I took a class in like sixth grade where they taught you to make fire from scratch. All we need are sticks, rocks, and leaves-"

You stop him, cutting him off quickly, "Corbyn there are no leaves! It's too cold!"

He looks at you, sorrow taking over his mood.

"Baby, I'm sorry." You say, realizing how bad you hurt his feelings, "Just please, please hold me."

He moves over so he's next to you, allowing you to cuddle into his chest. You tried to help warm you both up, only succeeding a little.

He speaks up, "I am so sorry. Y/n I'm not gonna leave you, I swear. I'll get us home and I know that seems like a long shot but I will. I'll be with you from dusk till dawn."


Honestly, how did you feel about this? I like how it turned out a lot honestly.

Qotd: Favorite EP the boys have made?

Aotd: Probably "Only The Beginning".

Can anybody tell me some super scary horror movies? Most I watch don't scare me, rip.

P.s. sorry for the delay in updates.

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