☆Weirdest place you have sex☆

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-Backstage at one of their concerts. That day, Jack had really been feeling it. You had gone on tour with the boys, and that was lucky for Jack. When he told you about his little "problem", you promised him you'd help him when you had both got back to the hotel. But, Jack had informed you that he couldn't wait that long and he needed you now. So you took him backstage and found a closet, helping him and making him feel better.

-In a public parking lot. You and Daniel were at the mall shopping for random things. You went to take a step backwards and accidentally put your butt right on to Daniel in that area. You could hear his breath hitch in his throat, causing you to smirk. The rest of the shopping day consisted of you teasing Daniel and him giving you the 'you better quit now or you're going to regret it' look. When you had gotten back into the car, Daniel roughly grabbed your face, connecting his lips to yours in a rough kiss. He then told you to get in the backseat and the rest went on from there.

-In a Victoria's Secret dressing room. You were trying on different bras and underwear because you wanted to buy some new ones. You couldn't decide whether or not you liked this pink lacey bra, so you called Zach in to get his opinion. He came into the dressing room and his breath began to quicken it's pace. His loving, caring eyes had turned dark and lustful and without any thought he pushed you up against the wall, sucking on your neck and grabbing your left boob with his right hand. He tore off all your articles of clothing and then his, pushing you up against the wall, working his "magic". However, you were cut short by an employee banging on the door, asking you both to leave.

-On a boat. You and Corbyn had gone to Florida for a getaway trip, just for the two of you. You had rented a beautiful house on the beach and a boat. About three days into your stay, you both had decided on taking the boat and exploring the beautiful water. You intentionally put on a sexy bathing suit because you knew it would get Corbyn's attention. The first part of the boat ride you could feel Corbyn's eyes burning through you, and you loved it. A couple minutes later, Corbyn quickly stopped the boat and you heard him say "Fuck it." He walked over to you and untied your bathing suit top, letting it fall to the floor. He quickly kissed your lips, cheek, jawline and neck, making you moan in the process. He then laid you back on one of the small couches and made you scream. Luckily, you were far enough away from people and no one heard you.

-At the movie theater. You and Jonah had gone to see the movie "Fifty Shades Darker." Halfway through the movie you could see Jonah put his hands over his pants and you smirked, already knowing why he had done so. You decided teasing him would be fun, so you lightly traced his arms up and down, knowing he loved it. You could hear his breathing hitch, so you innocently said, "Jonah, baby. Do you want some help with that?" He looked at you and nodded. Since you had figured something like this would happen, because Jonah is extremely easy to turn on, you had sat both of you in the back in a very secluded area. So, you went between his legs and helped your boyfriend with his "issue." It wasn't sex, but it was close enough.


Another dirty preference cause I usually get a lot of votes on dirty ones, weird ;))).

Also, I'm seriously considering making a preference book so I'll have two books, but I'm not sure yet.

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