Thunder storm ☆

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   It was late, around 2 a.m. and you were cuddled up into Jonah's side on the large king size bed; his arm around your waist and your head near his chest.

You were both sound asleep, dreaming of random things.

A little while later, it started pouring rain outside with extreme winds.

You were awakened by the trees moving in the wind and thought nothing of it. You just cuddled closer into your sleeping boyfriend.

You tried to fall asleep again but it was no use; you were wide awake now with all the noise coming from outside.

You sigh and pry Jonah's arm off of you then roll out of bed, landing on the soft carpeted floor with a small thud.

You decide to go downstairs to get a glass of water so you make your way to the kitchen, turning on the hall light, stairway light, living room light, and the kitchen light.

When you get to the kitchen you grab a glass from the cupboard and walk to the fridge.

You pour yourself a drink and drink it gone, then put your cup in the sink.

While you were setting the cup in the sink you heard loud sounds from the lightning and thunder, frightening you a bit.

You walk towards the back door and watch the wind, when suddenly all the lights go off.

You scream, now terrified by the sudden darkness and sounds from outside that now have become louder and were swallowing you whole.

You hear Jonah scream your name, he was awakened by your loud scream, and hear him run into a wall or door, you weren't quite sure.

You sink to the floor and wrap your arms around your head, trying to block everything out. You hear Jonah call your name again and he shouts out asking where you are.

"I'm in the kitchen." You 'yell' but it comes out as more of a whisper.

"Baby!" Jonah screams one more time, his voice seeming closer this time.

"Jonah!" You scream, feeling water droplets fall to your legs. You didn't realize you were crying.

"Oh my god, y/n." You hear Jonah say. He was only a couple feet away and you then feel his arms around your torso.

You cry into his chest, both of you on the ground now.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? You gave me a heart attack." Jonah says, kissing your forehead.

"I- I got scared. An- and it fe- felt like everything was caving in on me." You cry.

"It's okay babygirl, I'm here now."

"Will you lead me back upstairs and can we watch Netflix on your phone?" You ask, collecting yourself.

"Of course, c'mon." Jonah leads you through the kitchen and living room until he gets you both to the stairs, he was careful not to bump into anything.

He leads you up the stairs and into your master bedroom, holding your hand the entire way.

You finally make it back to the bed after what felt like 5 days and cuddle as far as you can into Jonah's chest, for the second time.

He grabs his phone, and you were thankful his phone was fully charged.

He then goes to Netflix and puts on your favorite movie, '13 Going On 30.'

"Thank you for saving me." You whisper.

"Anything for you, princess."




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