☆What he does when he's jealous☆

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-When Jack gets jealous he tends to keep his distance because he gets really angry and he will make a huge scene. However, if the other person gets too touchy or close, Jack will step up and tell the guy to back off because you're his all while trying not to let his anger show.

-When Daniel gets jealous he gets really sad and upset. He thinks every guy is better than him so he thinks you're going to leave him for someone else. He will take off and leave when he sees someone flirting with you and you'll have to go find him and remind him that you love him and only him.

-When Zach gets jealous he wraps himself around you. He gets overprotective and will try to get into the conversation you and the other person are having. When the guy can't seem to take the hint that you're dating Zach and is still blindly flirting with you, Zach will yell at the guy "SHE'S TAKEN!"

-When Corbyn gets jealous he just stands there and sighs a million times with his hands in his pockets. He'll get really annoyed and roll his eyes at the person. Eventually he'll ask the guy, "Are you done yet? Because we have things to do." Which causes you to laugh and leave with Corbyn, your fingers intertwined together.

-When Jonah gets jealous he will constantly kiss your cheeks and neck and he'll try to hold your hand. After he's done kissing you a million times he'll look at the guy, laugh and say, "Oh, you're still here? Why?" Causing the guy to scoff and take off in the other direction.


When Kiki gets jealous she stands there and cries :')

ALSO BECAUSE SO MANY OF YOU WANTED TO BE FRIENDS, DM ME OVER INSTAGRAM!! I honestly hate talking over wattpad because you can't use most emojis and its super laggy for me. Sooooo dm at @ kiandra.aaa and we can be friends :)

Slide in my dms 😩😩

Also, I really need your help. I'm thinking of writing an actual book! Soooo, comment what boy I should write about here please❤ (Keep in mind I'm only THINKING about it, its not a for sure thing)

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