Pregnancy scare ☆

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Prank requested by smolbeankg ♡ Thank you for commenting beautiful!


   "Hey guys, I'm back!" You say into your camera. "And I'm here with my boys."

You point the camera at Jack, Jonah, Corbyn, and Zach. "You may be wondering 'aren't you missing someone?' Well, yes, yes I am."

"We're pranking Daniel because he's dating y/n!" Zach yells into the camera.

You laugh, "Daniel is out getting everyone food right now and obviously when he gets back he'll look for us to tell us our food is here. We're all going to be in my room and I'm going to pretend like I'm pregnant and tell the boys. Hopefully Daniel over hears."

"We set up a camera outside of the door too." Jack adds.

"Now we just wait until Daniel gets back." Jonah says.

"Here we go!" You smile and put your hand over the camera, turning it off and waiting for Daniel.


About 20 minutes later, you and the boys hear a car pull up outside. You look and it's Daniel.

You grab your camera and turn it back on, "Okay, so Daniel just got back. I'm going to set this camera up over there." You point to your desk and position the camera, so it's pointed at everyone.

You hear the door open downstairs and Daniel yell, "You guys! Food's here!"

"You ready?" You whisper at the four boys sitting on your bed.

They nod and smile, "Ready."

You take a deep breath.

"You guys, how am I supposed to tell Daniel? I don't want this to ruin his career."

"I think you should just tell him y/n." Jack says.

You hear someone walking up the stairs and you assume it's Daniel.

"I can't tell him! You guy's are going on tour soon! I can't tell him I'm pregnant!" You yell a little louder.

You hear someone open the door and you look over to see Daniel standing there. "You- you're pregnant?"

"Daniel I-"

"What are we going to do? I'm eighteen! I can't raise a child!" Daniel says, running his hands through his hair.

"Daniel I'm sorry." You whisper, trying not to laugh.

"We can't! We have to worry about our careers! How could we have been so careless?"

"I know, and that's why I'm happy to say that this is a prank." You and the four boys all begin laughing, leaving Daniel standing there completely dumbfounded.

"You're not pregnant?" Daniel asks, confused.

"Nope! It's a prank." You walk over and grab your camera. "Happy Prank Wars!"

Daniel begins laughing as well, "Hey, I want to have a child with you, but later in our lives."

"Agreed babe."



Okay don't hate me for this, but i already was 100% a logangster, and now I'm 200% a logangster (Sorry Not sorry). *I don't like Jake Paul*

The second verse went so hard tho like holy moly.

Also the boys start tour tomorrow and I can't go because no one will take me to Seattle :((((((((((

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