☆What he loves most about you☆

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-Your hair. You always play and mess with his hair so he grew fond of your hair, too. He loved running his fingers through it and trying new hair styles.

-Your smile. He loved the way you would smile so big and bright at something he said. He loved being the reason behind it. He would tell you how gorgeous your smile is all the time.

-Your eyes. He loved the sparkle in your eyes that appeared when you looked at him. He could stare into your eyes for hours on end, because to him, they were his universe.

-Your sense of humor. You and Corbyn could laugh about almost anything, and he loved that about you. He loved the way you turned everything into a joke, he thought it made your relationship more fun and lovable.

-Your personality. He loved you in general, a lot. How kind you were to almost everyone and everything. He loved that you always had a smile on your face. He loved your big heart.


Preference #18❤

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