Color switch ☆

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   It was a boring Saturday afternoon at the Why Don't We house and you were laying on the couch in the living room scrolling through your phone.

Jack and Daniel were playing a video game on the TV, Corbyn and Jonah were in their room and Zach, your boyfriend, was in the kitchen making himself a snack.

"Stop cheating!" Daniel yells at Jack, slapping his controller out of his hands.

"How am I cheating?! I won that round fair and square!" Jack yells back, causing you to laugh at their childish behavior.

Zach comes back into the living room and sits next to you, he had a sandwich in his hands.

"What're you doing love?" Zach asks you, taking a bite of his food.

"Nothing, just scrolling through twitter." You reply, smiling at Zach.

He nods his head and continues to watch the two 'children' argue over their game.

A couple minutes pass and you decide to switch over to the only game on your phone, Color Switch.

You play for awhile before Zach says, "You're pretty good at that game."

You laugh, "Thanks babe."

"But I bet I'm better."

You sit up from your comfortable position on the couch and gasp at Zach, "Is that a challenge?"

Zach smirks and takes the phone from your hands, "Watch this."

He plays the original version and gets up to 17 before dying. You furrow your eyebrows, earning a confused look from Zach.

"Am I supposed to be impressed?"

Zach scoffs, "I got up to seventeen! Yes you should be impressed!"

"Zach, my high score is a hundred and twelve."

It was then his turn to furrow his eyebrows, "That's impossible."

You point to the screen, showing him the little letters that spell out 'High Score' with the number 112 below it.

"Fine, I'll tell you what. If I can beat your highscore, you have to let me take you on a date." Zach challenges.

"So basically either way I'm winning?" You smile.


"Deal." You and Zach shake hands and Zach goes back to your phone, trying to beat your score.

You turn your attention back to Jack and Daniel and watch them play their video game.

About 10 minutes later you hear Zach sigh an irritated sigh, "I give up! I can't get higher than thirty!"

You look at your phone screen and let out a chuckle. "It's okay baby, you just have to practice."

Zach huffs and crosses his arms over his chest, "But now I can't take you on a date!"

"You still can babe." You giggle and kiss his cheek.

"Really?" Zach asks, his face lighting up.


"Then let's go now!"


Qotd: August or Brendan?

Aotd: August❤


I am seriously considering adding August to this book but it'll mess up the flow, so idk.

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