Amber's spawn is born

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The doctor would periodically come in to check Amber, she had been in the throes of labor for hours. "GET THIS THING OUT OF ME! I HATE IT, I WISH IT WOULD DIE!"

The nurse wiped the sweat from her brow" calm down now there is no reason to say that, every woman has the same pain when having a baby."

Amber glared at her and actually growled, the nurse backed away" YOU STUPID BIT--! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!"

The poor nurse just looked at her" but you need someone to sit with you."

Amber grabbed the vase next to her on the side table and hurled it at the nurse's head. The nurse screamed and ducked to miss the vase," I am leaving,I don't deserve this kind of treatment!" She turned on her heel and walked out the door, The doctor came running behind her " Miss Foster, you have a duty to this woman."

Miss Foster turned " I do not have a duty to a girl with such a fowl temper, and besides it is not in my job description to allow someone to throw things at me!"

She turned back around and continued to walk right out the door, she never once stopped to look around. The doctor was shaking his head" Mr. Woodson, I just lost my best nurse because your daughter is not a very good patient."

Ken looked in the door at his daughter" she has always been a bit high strung for her own good."

The doctor shook his head" no you don't understand, I have to have a nurse to be here to help deliver."

Ken looked at him" well call another one in, I want my kitten to have the best treatment."

The doctor nodded" I would if I could, but I have none left she has ran them all off."

Ken stopped and stared" what do you mean you have none left? and how is that my kitten has run them all off?"

The doctor was very blunt " well she isn't the most well behaved patient I have ever dealt with."

Ken nodded" okay and I admit she is not herself, but that still is no excuse to say it is her fault."

The doctor looked at him " okay then you walk in the room and see for yourself."

Ken nodded " okay I can go in there and sit with her, I have nothing to fear." T

he doctor shook his head and watched as he walked in. Amber yelled"GET THIS THING OUT OF ME NOW! I WANT TO DROWN IT!"

Ken patted her on the hand" Kitten, dear you can't be serious about that."

Amber grabbed the slop pot and hurled it with feces and urine in it at his head"GET OUT YOU NEVER LOVED ME!"

Ken walked out the door smelling like the privy and was red in the face. The doctor watched as he walked straight up the stairs to clean up"I tried to tell him, but he didn't want to listen." He shook his head and went in to examine the evil woman.

Amber looked at him" this thing better be ready to come out, and I want nothing to do with it so you better kill it, or I will." He could see the hatred in her eyes, and something else that he didn't want to know about. As he checked she was fully dilated, but without a nurse he was going to have to do this on his own. He watched as a young girl came wandering in,she was the preacher's daughter.She would have to do, whether she liked it or not.

The doctor walked into the hallway and cleared his throat" excuse me Miss, but I could use your assistance."

She smiled" I would be glad to help an any way possible."

He motioned for her to walk into the room, and she turned white as a ghost" are you okay Miss?"

She nodded" yes it just took me by surprise that's all."

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