The beginning of the end

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As the days flew by in a haze, I couldn't have asked for a better life. Jake was very attentive with my pregnancy, this one I didn't get crazy. This pregnancy was so much better than when I was carrying the twins. This baby was due in the spring, winter was coming to an end. The girls were getting so big, Megan and I would sit and watch them play and talk about the last couple of years. Annie would come down to the cabin and we would talk about how time has flown by.

When they left , I went to the kitchen and started supper. Jake came in after plowing the fields" what is that heavenly smell?"

I laughed" it's supper, why don't you go and wash up and we can eat."

He kissed me" I will be right back, smells so delicious."

I smiled" just wait til you taste it." He went to the wash room and cleaned up.

I called the girls" Emma and Emily time to come and eat."

They came running to climb in their chairs. We were waiting for Jake" Hurry up foods getting cold."

He laughed" I am almost done." We sat around the table as a family, we said Grace and began to eat. After dinner we sat and played with the girls before they went to bed.

I was getting huge, and my delivery date was coming closer. I could feel my body getting ready. I wasn't as scared as I was before of having a baby. Annie was so excited that my time was coming to an end. I was really wanting to have this baby soon, just as long it wasn't a big baby like Megan has. Jake was popping in every so often to check on me.

Annie came down and would help with the girls. I was getting to big to move around, I was hoping and praying that it was not twins again. David had made the comment that I was going to have triplets. He got double smacked for that, Megan knew how bad it was to go through the process of giving birth to one baby. Heaven forbid if it was triplets, I was hoping it was just one this time around.

Spring came up really quick, I would walk out barefoot to hang up the laundry. Jake would smile" the way I like you barefoot and pregnant with my baby."

I would glare at him" well let me tell you this Mr. Hugh's but if I end up pregnant again so soon you are going to carry the baby."

He would smiled" well I guess having 6 or 7 kids are out of the question then?"

I threw a rolled up shirt at him" I am not having that many kids at one time in diapers."

He would laugh as he handed me the shirt to put on the line" just think of all the fun we could have making each and everyone of those babies."

I glared at him" only you would be so vulgar, but I like the fun part."

He smiled and smacked my butt" you are a dirty girl Lizzie."

I looked at his wide smile" you need to go back to work, before you get hurt."

He laughed and walked back to the plow and slapped the reins and started to plow. I shook my head and smiled" I like the fun part, but not the kid part so soon." As I bent to reach another shirt, I felt a familiar stab of pain. I leaned up against the fence.

Jake looked over and stopped the plow" Lizzie are you okay?"

I shook my head " no I need Grandma , and Megan I am in labor."

He smiled " are you sure?"

I nodded as another pain sliced across my middle" yes and if it is anything like last time it will progress very quickly." He picked me up and carried me into the cabin and up to our room" I will be back." He picked the girls up and carried them to the main house.

Annie was the first one to come to my aid, Megan followed shortly. Jake and David watched all three kids, Luke rode into town for the doctor and Mary.

I glared at Megan " give me your hand!"

Megan held her hand and shook her head" oh please not the hand, I am really sorry about that."

I glared at her" you owe me, now the hand."

Megan slowly placed her hand in mine. I squeezed with every contraction, my water broke not long after I was taken in the house. Mary showed up and I proceeded to squeeze her hand, Annie shook her head" by the time all of you are done having kids, your hands are going to be crippled."

The doctor shooed everyone out to check on my progress.He about wet himself" the baby is crowning, this is remarkable on how fast you have babies."

I glared at him " well let's get this one out now!" Mary, Megan, and Annie helped bring baby Grace into this world along with the doctor.

Jake was pacing back and forth" so this is what it's like to worry about your wife having a baby?"

David nodded" welcome to the pacing club brother, we missed you."

Just after that statement, they heard a baby cry. Jake looked at his brother" wow that was fast, I hope Lizzie is okay."

Megan came down the stairs and out to the yard where the men were" It's a girl, both baby and Mother are doing good."

Jake smiled" well I am going to have a team of girls to raise."

David shook his head" I am sorry, I was hoping this would be your boy."

Jake walked into the cabin smiling" as long as I still have my Lizzie and my girls that is all I ask for."

He walked up the stairs and into the bedroom. He found his beautiful wife with a tiny red wrinkly baby wrapped up in a blanket. I looked up at Jake " I know you were wanting a boy, but isn't she so beautiful?"

Jake kissed me on the forehead" she is absolutely beautiful just like her mommy."

I smiled" do you want to hold her?"

He smiled" of course, and thank you for making me the most happiest man on this earth."

I smiled " no thank you, I am so happy you and Grandma have made me so happy."

Jake had no idea what Grandma knew about my past. If I had anything to do with it, he would never find out. Annie wiped tears from her eyes" you are one special girl, Lizzie."

I smiled" Thank you for everything Grandma."

Annie hugged Lizzie" well you need to rest now, and that sweet angel does too."

Megan and Mary had joined David outside with their hands double wrapped with ice chunks. David was laughing so hard" you are all going to be crippled before your time."

Annie smiled" that's exactly what I said."

Mary grimaced" well Megan started the hand thing and we were just paying her back."

Megan nodded" well um I have been paid back, and for the record Lizzie got me good." They all laughed.

Jake sat and looked into my eyes" I am so happy that you are okay and the baby is doing good."

I smiled" well I got to wreck some havoc first."

Jake laughed" I saw the hands."

I laughed" well I got them both good, but Megan got a little extra."

We laughed, Jake smiled" baby you complete my life, and I promise not to put a baby in you for at least a year."

I snickered" how about a couple of years, oh wait let's make four years."

Jake smiled" I would rope the moon for you if you asked me too."

I looked into his eyes" I love you."

He kissed me" you are my beginning til the end."

I smiled" you became my new beginning from the start." We looked at our newest daughter and smiled at how life changes from one day to the next.

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