The Blizzard

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The days of winter had really set in, I couldn't walk down to the cabin for all of the snow. Jake and I have not been sleeping in the same room, part of his punishment. I have been ignoring him, and snapping at him. He just takes it and doesn't say a word back to me, not one. I was starting to regret some of the things I would say to him. Some of them were pretty low, even for me to say them. I could see the hurt in his eyes each time I would open my mouth. I needed to quit punishing him, even Annie was getting tired of my comments.

Annie waited for me this morning" Lizzie, we need to talk."

I muttered" I know can it wait till after breakfast?"

Annie glared at me " no young lady we will have this discussion right now."

I cowered as I could feel the anger radiate off of her. We walked to the parlor and sat down.

Annie was angry with me" Okay Lizzie, this has to stop now or you are going to regret everything you have done."

I nodded" but grandma, he hurt me and I need to make him pay."

Annie stared at me" what your whole married life?"

I shook my head " no just for half of it."

Annie then got up and started to pace" Listen here little girl, you are married to a great man, he has been working his fingers to the bone to keep you happy."

I shook my head" no, he just goes and visits his brother all the time."

Annie snorted" that's what you think?"

I nodded my head " yes as soon as he gets up and eats breakfast, he leaves."

Annie snorted " go get your over coat, NOW!" I jumped up and ran and grabbed my coat. Annie was already to go before I was and was dragging me down the porch towards the old cabin.

When we got there I could hear a hammer, I could see that something was being done here. I would probably be able to see more if it wasn'tfor all of the snow. Annie dragged me into the door and I was stopped in my tracks. It looked like a new cabin had just been built, I was floored.

Annie glared at me " that man loves you and you see what he is doing for you."

I nodded" I know he loves me."

Annie glared at me " then start acting like you love him, or you are going to regret everyday of your life when he is gone."

I got her meaning " I am so sorry I have carried this to far, I will start being nicer to him."

Annie nodded" you better, your my granddaughter and I want to see you happy."

I hugged her " I guess I am just afraid of getting hurt again."

Annie smiled" you can't take the hurt out of life, it is what makes you stronger."

I smiled" I am learning that whether I want to or not."

Annie smiled" life is short, and never know what tomorrow brings, you could loose everything in a blink of an eye."

I nodded knowing what she was meaning, Grandpa. Jake came around the corner and was shocked to see us there. Annie smiled" I had to bring her, I know you wanted it to be a surprise but she needed to know." With that she left us standing there, I looked around" the place looks really nice."

Jake stared at me " what no insults?"

I flinched, have I taken this punishment to far with him? I shook my head" no I am done punishing you."

Jake shrugged his shoulders " yeah okay."

He didn't believe me? I had gone to far now I was going to have to fix this. I walked over to him and looked up into his eyes. I seen the hurt I put there" I am truly sorry Jake, I was hurt and wanted to hurt you for it."

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