the change

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(Jungkook  pov)

I was heading to school i washed and but on my outfit i wanted to look good for  tae tae i put on a gray sweatshirt and some gray shorts and my favorite choker with my gray shoes

But i was surprised when i got to school and didn't see Taehyung we didn't live together so i never knew if he was coming or not

So in first-period class it was just me and jimin we were doing projects and Taehyung was my partner but he still wasn't at school yet so me a jimin just talked a play around a little bit

He was sittings in front of my deck and are hands locked together and i smiled and laughed as he told me jokes

It was kind of a game we would play if i laughed he got to kiss me on the cheek and if i didn't i would kiss his forehead

The class was ending and we were walking out of the class as i walked out of the class someone pulled my arm and dragged me to the boy's bathroom and locked the door

I looked to see and it was Taehyung i smiled at him he looked so handsome today

I was walking up to hug him but he pushed me back against the wall and leaned on the wall with one hand as he looked down at the ground

Taehyung: "what were you doing with jimin"

Taehyung said in a low and calm voice

I didn't know what to say i was a little confused i never saw Taehyung like this before did i do something wrong

Taehyung began to bang on the wall with his hand that was next to my face and screamed at me


i covered my face with my hands as i let the tears fall down

He grabbed me by my hair and forced me to look at him

Taehyung: "look at me when I'm talking to you"

Taehyung said in his deep voice that he barley uses because it scares me

I was so confused why was Taehyung acting this way

He pulled on my hair even harder making me full to my knees begging him to stop

Jungkook: "ow t-tae p-please s-stop y-your h-hurting me"

I sobbed

He pushed me down to the ground and started to walkout

Jungkook: "w-where are you g-going I'm s-sorry"

I yelled as he headed out the bathroom

He looked at me sobbing on the floor

Taehyung: "go have fun being a little slut"

He walked out and slammed the door behind him

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror and whipped my face

I'm so confused what did i even do and why did he call me theses names I'm not a slut i love Taehyung i would never cheat on him

When i got home i decided to text him

Kookie💙: hey tae are you okay

Kookie💙: answer me, please

Kookie💙: did i do something wrong

Kookie💙: I'm sorry baby

Kookie💙: can you tell me what i did wrong

Kookie💙: can you come over later

Kookie💙: my parents aren't home

Kookie💙: we could talk about it

Kookie💙: I'm not mad at you tae tae

Kookie💙: talk to you later love you

I went home upset Taehyung totally went off on me today and i don't even know why plus he didn't answer any of my text

When i got home i took a shower and put on a long white sweater and shorts

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