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(Third person pov)

Jungkook woke up to the soft movements of his boyfriend

Jungkook smiled while play with Teayhungs hair

Jungkook didn't want to wake tae up so he carefully slid from under him and went to go make breakfast

Jungkook skipped downstairs and started to make so eggs and bacon when he got a call

He picked up his phone to see jimin was calling Jungkook didn't know if he should answer or not since tae had gotten very upset with him the other day for being to close to jimin but it was just a phone call so Jungkook decided to answer

Jimin: hey kook

Jungkook: hey jimin

Jimin: i wanted to know if we could hang out later

Jungkook: um I'm sorry but I'm busy today

Jimin: oh its okay talk to you later kook lobe you

Jungkook: awww lobe you to

Jungkook said in a cute voice as he hung up the phone and was surprised with arms wrapping around his waste 

Jungkook smiled knowing it was his boyfriend taehyung

Jungkook: "good morning baby"

  taehyung didn't say anything he just began to kiss Jungkook neck making Jungkook lay his head back on  taehyung chest swaying his hips from side to side as  taehyung held his waste

taehyung: "baby i thought you loved me"

taehyung said in a deep voice that jungkook didn't like

Jungkook: "i-i do tae"

Taeyhung quickly turned Jungkook around so they were facing each other taehyung grabbed Jungkook by the neck with one hand and kissed him very passionately but hard and rough at the same time

Taeyhung pulled back only a cm

taehyung: "who were you talking to on the phone"

taehyung continued to talk in a deep voice even though he knew his boyfriend did not like it

Jungkook stuttered because of taehyungs grip on his throat

Jungkook: " t-tea a-are you okay

Taeyhungs grip got stronger making Jungkook eyes start to water and try to pull  taehyungs hand off of him

taehyung had jungkook harshly up against the kitchen counter

Taeyhung raised his voice with it still being deep


Tears started to fall from Jungkook

Jungkook: " u-um i-i jimin"

Jungkook finally chocked out

Jungkook: " s-sorry if i d-did anything wrongs tae i love you"

Taeyhungs grip got even tighter not letting Jungkook able to breath

taehyung: " y-you know i tried to be nice... I told you not to be all over that jimin guy and here you are saying you love him.. I-I guess you don't love me as much as you love him, huh but it's okay you won't be getting calls from anyone in a while"

Taeyhung smirked as he saw Jungkook crying and fighting for air

Taeyhung throw Jungkook on the floor Jungkook inhaling deeply and trying to whip his tears away but they kept on coming

Taeyhung grabbed Jungkooks phone from off the counter and harshly throw it against the wall making it fall apart and making Jungkook cry even more

Jungkook still on the floor crying

Jungkook: " t-tae t-that took me forever to pay f-for"

Jungkook desperately trying to stop his tears

taehyung: "i have money ill buy you one when i feel you deserve it"

taehyung: " do you want daddy to leave"

taehyung said while squatting down and caressing jungkooks cheeks

Jungkook shook his head no

taehyung: " why do you want daddy to stay huh"

Jungkook: " b-because i love daddy"

Taeyhung smiled

taehyung: " I'm sorry for hurting you baby"

Taeyhung picked Jungkook up kissing him softly and lustfully the way Jungkook liked it

taehyung: "let's get in the shower babe"

Jungkook: "okay"

taehyung: " do you love me kookie"

Jungkook: " yes tae i will always love you"

taehyung: " will you ever leave me kookie"

Jungkook: " N-No tae never ever i would never leave you"

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