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I smiled and walked over to the closed door the man pointed to earlier. I shot the lock on the door and opened it. I felt the wall for the light switch and turned it on, the first thing I was trying to do was get a bag to put all the money in but when I turned on the light there was a girl shivering and hiding in the corner of the room.

"Hey what happened."

I said reaching my hand out for her hand.


She looked up at me with a scared look in her eyes but I was used to that. I stood there with my hand out waiting for her to take it but she didn't move. "Hey, I'm trying to help I won't hurt you." To be honest, this girl was beautiful I really couldn't take my eyes off of her, and it kind of shocked me since I never thought anyone could be more beautiful then Jungkook but................ I was wrong.

She looked so scared and I don't know if it's just her beautifulness or if I was just in the mood to help but I lowered down so we were face to face and looked her in her eyes.

" Hey I don't know what happened but it's okay now I promise I won't hurt you just tell me where you need to be and I'll take you."

As I said this the beautiful girl started to cry tears ran down her face like a waterfall. I honestly couldn't find out what was up with this girl, but still, I slowly took my hand and patted her soft hair while telling her it was going to be okay.

I was into deep to just leave her here so I stood up and grabbed the money and handed it to one of my guards to take it to the car.

I then looked at the girl and slowly grabbed her hand " it's okay I'm gonna take you where you need to be." I began to slowly pull her up but she pulled back.

" COME ON!!!!"

I yelled out of anger all I was trying to do was help but I was getting nowhere.

"Let me help you, if you stay here it will be dangerous you have to tell me where you belong," I said one last time before standing in silence for a minute.

"Well okay then I tried to help you but you're just taking my kindness for granted I'm leaving now," I said turning around getting ready to walk out until I heard a noise of stumbling.

The girl was standing up with her hands wrapped tightly around herself her head hanging low " i-i have nowhere to go."

She said with tears falling down her beautiful face. " what do you mean you have now where to go."

I said walking closer to her again. She walked closer to me and pulled some of her hair behind her ear so I could see and hear her better.

" my parents were killed, some guys wanted to sell me to other men for money and when my parents tried to stop them they were killed so I have nowhere to go."

He tears continued and I just wanted to help, I pulled her into a tight hug and kissed the top of her head while telling her everything was going to be alright.

"How about you stay with me until you find somewhere to go I'm sure you have some kind of family somewhere."

"No." She said shaking her head against my chest."

"Well, you can stay with me if you want I promise I want to hurt you............."

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