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(Jungkook pov)

I laid on my bed for a while my body was sore and didn't feel like moving or the pain would be worse. But i was able to get up and put on some sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt that was a turtle neck to cover up the bruises.

I wanted to call tae but i no if that would make him mad. Ugh I'm so hungry i walked out of the room slowly i went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator but there was nothing to eat i had forgot to go shopping i wish my parents could be here more often i don't like living alone.

5 minutes have pasted and i feel like my stomach is eating itself i held the phone in my hand thinking if i should call tae or not.

*knock knock

I bounced up from my bed i had fallen asleep to keep my mind off how hungry i was.

Jungkook: " who is it "

I yelled to the door

taehyung: "it's me "

I heard the familiar voice and rushed to open the food i mean the door

I opened the door and slowly smiled at my beautiful boyfriend he smiled back and healed out a bag of food my face lit up

We sat in the living room on the floor at the coffee table tae sat on the other side so he was facing me and before i knew it i was choking down food i was eating like i never ate before

I finally looked up a little to see if tae was enjoying his food but instead, he just looked sad but his sad face soon become an angry one as he continued to watch me eat.

taehyung: " god jungkook slow down the food isn't going anywhere"

taehyung said in disgust

I stopped eating and pouted

Jungkook: "sorry tae"

taehyung rolled his eyes

taehyung: "are you full"

taehyung said in a deep voice

I nodded my head

taehyung: " kookie you no you can have more just don't eat like an animal it disgusts me and makes me want to throw up"

I put my head down i didn't want to make tae disgusted by me

Jungkook: "sorry tae"

taehyung looked at me with anger

taehyung: "what the hell Jungkook  would you stop that"

I was confused i didn't understand what i did

Jungkook: "sorry tae but what did i do"

taehyung stood up

taehyung: " see that's the problem you're always saying sorry when you have nothing to be sorry for i was the one who starved you and had you eating like you never ate before. Why don't you just leave me already you're so dumb and stupid?

I could feel the tries running down me face  taehyung grabbed me by my shirt to make me stand up so we were face to face

taehyung: "Why are you still with me is it because of the money"

I hid my face with one of my arms trying to stop crying

Jungkook: "b-because i love you Taeyungie"

taehyung wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a slow and deep kiss i couldn't help but moan into

After awhile  taehyung stepped back leaving me breathless but he seemed to be fine

He kissed me on the cheek and then whisper something in my ear

taehyung: "lier"

taehyung started to walk to the door

I ran after him

Jungkook: "  taehyung no please don't go"

taehyung: "why do you want me to stay all i do is hurt you and it hurt me to no that i starved you watching you eat like that made me want to cry"

I could see the tires running down Taeyungs face even with his head down

I went to huge him and he kissed me and picked me up and we snuggled

taehyung: "Jungkook do you love me"

Jungkook: "yes taehyung i will always love you"

taehyung:" will you ever leave me"

Jungkook: "no i would never leave you i love you to much"

taehyung kissed me goodnight

Sorry for this crappy one i was rushing and i hope you enjoyed please vote😇

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