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( jungkook pov)

 School was finally ending and i was happy tae got me a new phone for my birthday and a little upset with myself for staying away from jimin the hole day. I mean he was one of my best friends and i wasn't even able to talk to him

On the way home i decided to text  taehyung and see if he wanted to come over since my parents weren't going to be home like always and i missed him a lot because he wasn't at school

I called him but he didn't answer
So i just waited until i got home and took a shower

I called his phone once again but no one answered so i texted him just in case he didn't feel like talking

Kookie: hey baby i just wanted to one if you would like to come over

I shut off my phone and put it on the charger guessing that tae wouldn't call back

I laid down trying to sleep but it was hard without tae laying with me and i was lonely in the house all by myself

As my eyes started to shut i heard a knock at the door and raced to answer it

I opened the door and my mouth fell in shock to see jimin at my door at 10:46 at night

I stuttered

Jungkook: " h-hey j-jimin what brings you h-hear its s-so late"

Jimin rubbed the back of his neck with an awkward look

Jimin: " i-i just wanted to talk to you because i notice that you were avoiding me the whole day today and um yeah"

I began to talk quickly to get this conversation over with

Jungkook: "o-oh I'm sorry jimin ill talk to you more next time"

I began to shut the door but jimin stopped me

Jimin: "i-i no your not in the mood but could we at least talk about it today...... Right now"

I bite my lip not knowing what to say but i couldn't just say no we were best friends since we were 6

I sighed and let him in he took off his shoes and jacket and we talked in my room

Of course, i didn't tell jimin the truth how would i tell my best friend that my boyfriend didn't like him so i just told him i wasn't feeling well today so as my best friend he made it his job to make me laugh

And i did i loved talking to jimin that was also a reason why he was my best friend

After all the laughing and talking i started to fall asleep and before i knew it jimin had turned off the light and we were cuddled together sleep

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