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( taehyung pov )

I sat up in bed looking at the cutest bunny in the world. I kissed him on the cheek and turned to slid out of bed
And felt arms wrapped around my waste.

"Tae where are you going"
I smiled and cuddled him hoping he will fall back to sleep but it wasn't working.
"Kookie I'm going to take a shower but then i have to go"

Jungkook didn't say anything he just gave me a hurt look.

After i got out the shower i kissed jungkook before i left. I feel bad for leaving him but the surprise i have for him will make up for it.


( taehyung pov)

After i left i went to my dad's office. I took the elevator up to the highest floor and walked into the room.

"Oh my son what brings you here so early"

"It nothing serious i just wanted to tell you someone is going to be moving in with us at home"

My father nodded and i left

When i got to the huge house i went to my room which was the size of jungkooks hole house so yeah i want to ask him to live with me since he's always alone. Even when I'm not around the staff could keep him company.

After i was done i went back to jungkooks house.

(No ones pov)


Jungkook got up from the couch and opened the door Taeyungs smile dropped to the floor when he saw dried tears on jungkooks cheeks.

"What happened baby"
taehyung said pulling jungkook into a hug.

"M-my parent's died"

Jungkook started to cry again harder into Taeyungs chest. Something in taehyung just clicked he hated seeing jungkook upset so just like Taeyungs parents he took his anger out on the ones he loved.

"God jungkook what is your problem you should be happy they died they never loved you anyway"

Jungkook looked up at tae with an angry face he couldn't take it anymore.

"And who the hell are you to tell me what to do I'm so sick of you telling me what to do and how i should feel maybe we should just break up"

Jungkook started walking to the back but taehyung grabbed his arm and choked him up against the wall.

"Stop tae get off of me"

Jungkook spits in Taeyungs face making Taeyung let go.  Jungkook ran to his room and locked the door and hid under the covers.


"Open this door now or I'm going to break it down you little brat"

Jungkook tried to hold back his tears but they just kept on flowing how could the person i love the most hurt me so much.

"P-please tae just leave"

taehyung stared stomping the door in with his heavy shoes with all his power and broke the door off the hinges until the whole thing fell.

taehyung angrily pulled the covers off jungkook. Jungkook grabbed a pillow and squeezed it tightly crying his eyes out.

"P-please tae don't h-"

"Shut up!"

Jungkook was cute off bye taes strong deep voice that he hated.

taehyung face went dull he didn't want to hurt jungkook but it wasn't his fault he was like this.

taehyung stood in front of the scared boy with a plan face taehyung slowly took off his jacket and then his shirt.

" This is all you fault"

taehyung said in the calmest voice.  He walked over to the boy and ripped the pillow from his arms.

taehyung took off his pants and boxers releasing his huge cock.  taehyung grabbed jungkook bye his hair.

"Tae please stop"

Jungkook eyes are now red from all the crying.

"You have nobody to blame but your self"

Tae forcefully pushed his cock into jungkooks mouth Taeyungs head flow back as he felt the warm saliva.  taehyung pushed jungkooks head back in froth hitting the back of jungkooks throat making him gaged while tears stream done his face.  taehyung was close to coming and he told jungkook to swallow his come.

Jungkook never did this before but he tried his best to swallow his lovers come. But when the huge amount of white sticky stuff burst into his mouth he took in some of it but he ended up chocking and spit the rest out.

"Could you be any more stupid i told you not to spit it out"

taehyung pulled jungkook bye his hair off the bed onto the floor and kicked him in the stomach so many painful times jungkook spit up blood at this point he has no more tears to cry.

taehyung put his close back on.

" when i come back all your shit better be packed you're not staying here anymore and i have the key I'm locking you in here"

taehyung left and jungkook were still on the floor for 5 minutes until he forced himself to crawl to the bathroom he said up against the tub and lifted his shirt to see a big purple and black brows on his stomach.

jungkook tried to cry but nothing would come out he hated taehyung but loved him at the same time.

Hope you liked please vote love you guys😇

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