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(Jungkook pov)

I woke up from light being shined in my face i sat up and blocked the light a bit to see the person that opened the curtains.

"Oh hello, jungkook I'm Baekhyun i just wanted to meet you and show you around if it's okay."

I sleepily nodded my head and then he walked out. I got out of bed and took a shower and fixed my hair and putting on the clothes i had in my suitcase.

I didn't feel very good so i just put on an oversized sweater and some black shorts.

When i walked out of the room i was meat with a blonde hair guy who said his name was Baekhyun from earlier.

"Oh you're ready"
I nodded my head not even really sure of what we were going to do. We started walking down the hall of the huge house.

I tapped him on the shoulder to ask what we were going to do.
"Oh i was just asked to show you around since you'll be staying for a while that's all".

He smiled at me and i smiled back when i saw his eyes disappear as he smiled.

So two long hours passed before we were done with the tour. We were both hungry so we headed to the kitchen and talked while we eat ramen.

I really liked Baekhyun he was cool to talk to and i hope we could become best friends i was just about to ask him what he does here when we heard footsteps coming into the kitchen we both turned our heads and my face lit up with sunshine as i saw taehyung dressed in a nice suit.

taehyung was coming closer and all i could see was him he looked so good and all i could think about was are lasted kiss at the hospital.

I was in a daze but ...... Then my heart stopped it stopped just for a moment as taehyung came closer Baekhyun ran up to him giving him a hug and kissed him on the lips.

OK my heart was beating it was beating to fast my heart was racing i felt like i was going to pass out tears filled my eyes so fast i could barely see.

I did no what to do my eyes stayed locked on taehyung the whole time when he looked up from the kiss are eyes locked tears flowing down my eyes Baekhyun turned around and was on his way to see why i was crying but before he could taehyung grabbed Baekhyun pulling him into another kiss.

I felt like i needed to throw up and i took off running all the way to the room i had woke up in earlier. When i reached the room I slammed the door and buried my face and the bed i chocked as i cried punching the bed with my fist.

How could this be happing i wish to just wake up from this bad dream taehyung is the only one i want and i thought i was the only one he wanted why am i not good enough we been together for so long and we've known each other since we were kids taehyung is the only thing i have since my parents died he was always the only thing i had my parents were always gone and i had no other family. Since me and tae became friends a long time ago i knew i always loved him and i knew my family didn't really care for there gay son they just did show it in a hurtful way they were too kind so they just shied away from my life so i just always wanted to get married to tae and adopted kiss so i would finally have the perfect family but clearly that's never going to happen for me.

I curled up under the covers still crying my eyes out. I cried until i fell asleep.



I heard the knocking coming from the other side of the door but i didn't get up or even move my eyelids were heavy i just wanted to lay and not move at all.



My mouth didn't move i felt so drained from crying.


I heard the door nob turn and heard footsteps walking in. 


Someone said as they pulled the covers off my face my eyes opened a little to see sitting on the bed next to me.

"He Taeyhung i didn't mean to bother you but why were you crying."

I heavily opened my eyes to see Baekhyun sitting on the side of my bed lightly rubbing my arm trying to make me feel better.

I didn't feel like talking so i just shuck my head.

"Do you want to write it down."

Beakhyun said with a smile i still nodded my head no. Baekhyun's smiled stayed as he pulled the covers over me and lightly kissed me on the forehead before leaving the room.  I smiled back as he left the room.

I was amazingly feeling better and jumped out of bed to try and catch up with Baekhyun but as i walked up the door taehyung walked in i looked at the ground as i didn't want to talk or look at him.  He walked in more and shut the door locking it after him.

taehyung continued to walk turds me i kept looking at the ground watching his feet come closer and closer until we were face to face. 

"So i see you've meat Baekhyun and in case you were wondering were together so i don't want him to know we were friends to him your just some homeless person my father helped off the street."

Tears fell down my face but i wasn't sad i was tired of being sad i was angry i felt my face go red and suddenly i slapped him in the face. I felt my words crawling up my throat. 

"taehyung i love you and all you can say is that we were friends. We were more than friends tae your my soul mate and i love you. "

I said with hot tears rolling down my face.  taehyung looked at me with no feeling in his eyes.

I walked past taehyung heading to the door but he grabbed me pulling me back and slamming me onto the bed.

He climbed on top of me and started kissing me sloppily and hard with hart my lips i tried pushing him off.

"Tae stop, please. "

"This is what you want right you want me well you're going to get all of me."

taehyung started to pull off my pants my crying stared back up heavier than ever.  I started kicking my legs and hitting him until i got loss i ran into the bathroom attached to the bedroom and locked the door.

I slid down the door crying my eyes out as i felt Taeyhung banging on the door.
I stayed in there until i felt myself fall asleep.


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