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(Jungkook pov)

I woke up laying in taehyungs arms i barred my face deeper into his chest because of his warmness.

I started to fall back to sleep until i felt a hand playing with the back of my hair i smiled to myself knowing it was my beautiful boyfriend.

taehyung: "good morning baby how did you sleep"

I blushed and healed onto him tighter  taehyung  started to laugh

I lifted my head up a little so he could see my face and as soon as i did he planted a soft kiss on my lips making me blush and cover my face with my arms.

taehyung: "aw your so cute i love you"

Jungkook: "i love you to tae"

He smiled and sat up on the bed

taehyung: "do you want to get in the bath together"

I blushed and hide my face we had never done anything like that before.

taehyung went to the bathroom and fill up the water while i went to find clothes to put on after.

As i was looking for some pants i felt arms wrap around my waist and his chin rest in my neck.

taehyung: " you ready baby"

Jungkook: "uh yeah"

He took my hand and walked us the bathroom i was kind of nervous because taehyung has never really seen me full on necked before and i just didn't want anything to turn out to sexual.

After i snapped out of my thoughts i looked up to see tae starring at me and biting his lip

I waved my hand in front of his face

Jungkook: "tae are you okay what's wrong"

As my hand swung back in forth in front of his face he caught it and starred into my eyes i felt so loved and scared at the same time.

taehyung: "well i think we should get these close off of you we wouldn't want to get them wet now would me"

taehyung smirked and pulled me closer to him i started breathing hard but taehyung kissed me to calm me down a little.

He took the hem of my shirt and began to lift it up slowly his fingers touching my body and he lifted up over my head and my shirt was off.

I knew what next and taehyung could feel how nervous i was so he kissed me as he started to unbuckle my pants and slowly pulled them all the way down.

I jumped a little when tae squeezed my but while still kissing me i moaned a lot

taehyung began taking off his close and shirt pants and boxers before i new it jungkook had taken off mines my face was red i couldn't stop starring at his big long thick cock and what it would feel like inside me.

taehyung got into the water and laid back a little on the back of the tube and told me to get in.

I didn't sit on top of jungkook but on the other side of the tube

taehyung: "your body is so nice baby"

I blushed

taehyung: "you don't know how to say thank you baby"

Jungkook: "oh um yeah thank you tae"

taehyung: "I'm going to wash you up"

My eyes widened

Jungkook: "i-i can do it myself"

taehyung: "but what did i say"

And with that taehyung turned me so my back was facing his chest and put shampoo in my hair and washed it out i did the same to him.

Then he washed me up and i washed him up he got up to get out the tube and grabbed a towel he wrapped his around his waist and mine across my chest like a girl which i liked.

I dried off and put my white sweatshirt on and my tight ripped skinny jeans and socks

taehyung came back into the room with black jeans and a white button-up shirt with his tims.

taehyung walked in but froze as he looked at me i smiled and spun around to show off my outfit

Jungkook: "do you like it tae"

taehyung didn't answer he just stared at me he started walking closer to me and i stopped when my back hit the wall he just starred into my eyes and lips for a long time he kissed me hard and passionately he backed out leaving me breathless.

taehyung: "kookie i have to go but ill see you soon"

Jungkook: "oh okay love you"

taehyung: "love you two"

And taehyung left leaving me alone but lucky he was coming back because my parents were never home and i hate being by myself.

Hope you enjoyed vote, please 😇

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