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(No one's POV)

It was the following day about 2:00 in the morning. Taehyung was up and ready firstly taking a hot shower and then being nicely dressed by his maid. He was all ready he tightened his tie and lastly patted himself down as he smiled at his custom made Gucci suit.

As he made his way down the hall and down the stairs as he approached the kitchen buttoning up his last button with a slick smile on his face. He was greeted with two beautiful men standing waiting to serve him breakfast.

(Taehyung POV)

I walk over to my seat at the end of the table jungkook and beakhyung setting on each side of me I kissed both of them on the cheek before having a seat. I placed napkins on my lap and around my cooler. "So who made what?" I said to both boys sitting next to me. Beakhyung raised his hand and began to talk " well honey I made you strawberry pancakes, apple cinnamon oatmeal and a glass of milk."
I nodded my head smiling At beakhyung and he smiled back brightly as I kissed him deeply on the lips then started to enjoy the pancakes.

"Umm tae." I quickly finished my plate and turned to jungkook realizing I had almost forgotten about his dish. "Oh, I'm sorry jk you can go now." " um tae I made you a milkshake with strawberry's and blueberries then I made some egged with bacon and a bagel with peanut butter." When jungkook finished talking he instantly smiled his bunny smile witch make my face light. Up we gazed at each other for a while before I looked away finishing my food.

(Jungkook POV)

I continued to stare at tae while he ate his food I smiled widely at him how could I love someone like him I know he's bad for me but the moments that are nice somehow always overthrow the bad ones. I continued to gaze at him even when he turned to look back at me. I loved him and there was no point in hiding it.

Tae smiled at me as he grabbed my hand and he asked me to walk him out. We stood at the doorway waiting for his limo to show up. As we stood there he started leaving soft kisses on my lips I just leaned into his embrace and continued to revive and give kisses.

As we leaned back and forth lightly with are lips still intertwined while tae held me in his arms my heart was beating so fast I loved him so much. Soon we both ended the heated kiss as we saw the limousine pull up in the driveway I wrapped my arms around his neck and pouted as if saying I didn't want him to leave.

He wrapped his armed around my waist pulling me in even tighter I laughed as he playfully swiped his nose against mine I scrunch up my face making him smile and kiss me one last time before he had to say goodbye.
"Have a good day at work baby!!" I said loudly as he smiled and waved getting into the limo and driving away.

I closed the door and was met with an aggravating presence when I turned to see beakhyung giving me a fake smile I gave him a fake smile back and started walking towards the stairs. Beakhyung, unfortunately, followed behind. When I made it to tae's floor I walked into his room and opened the closet deciding to pick out his clothes for tomorrow.

"God all this Gucci," I said out loud getting the attention from beakhyung. He walked over towards me at the closest. "Maybe I should pick out his clothes, you no since you decided to have a make-out session with tae."

I smiled and walked over to his bed and sat down. "Find go ahead it's not like it's going to change anything." Beakhyung turned his head fast to look at me. "What do you mean bye nothings going to change."

"Oh, you know I've been with tae the longest we really grow up together didn't you see the way he kissed me earlier. I mean come on the facts are he's not going to pick you out of us. To be honest your nothing but a toy to him."

(No one's POV)

The room got silent and the to boys were just looking at each other before beakhyung began to talk.

"No, I'm not just his toy jungkook when you were being dumb and got sent to the hospital who do you think he was kissing on. Oh yeah, not you it was me."

Jungkook bit his lip in anger he wanted to slap beakhyung in the face for even being in the same room as him. But the thing he was really Secretly upset about was if tae ever had sex with him.

The thought of tae kissing and loving up on someone that Wasn't him made jungkook feel hurt and just another person to tae. But even though jungkook sometimes had theses
thoughts something inside him made it clear that tae loved him and only him.

Hope you enjoyed please vote😇

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