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(Jungkook pov)

After school, i slowly walked home by myself hanging my head down low. I wasn't in such a great mood since i haven't seen tae in two days.

I can't believe this he said he was coming back. I can't believe he lied to me am u such a bad boyfriend he had to lie.

My feet became Harvey thinking of my love and why i failed him all the time. I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk 4 houses away from my house i wasn't sure i wanted to even go home since there wouldn't be anyone to come home to.

God, i hate living alone all the time not even seeing my boyfriend for more than a day. And not knowing what he was doing maybe he was dating someone else. The thought of that was even too much to handle taehyung was my first love and i wouldn't want another one.

Thinking about my beautiful boyfriend made me feel better so i started to walk again. When i made it to my house i took a shower and put on a long pink sweater.

My phone was dead and i was too tired to call tae i bet he didn't even want to talk to me.

( taehyung. Pov)

OMG after killing that man it made me feel so alive. My dad should ask me to take care of people more often.

SHIT JUNGKOOK oh my baby i can't believe i forgot about him i hope he's okay. Literally, no matter how much i try I'm always going to let him down but i love him too much to let anyone else have him.

I should go to see him.

taehyung walked over to his boyfriend's house in the night. When he got there he uses the key under the mat to get inside.

He walked into Jungkooks bedroom and gazed at his beauty. He didn't want to wake him so he took a shower and because he wanted to stay the night with his baby.

When taehyung got out and dried himself and slipped on some boxers he was shocked to see jungkook sitting up in bed.

taehyung: " hey babe."

Jungkook smiled widely and stood up on the bed and ran to taehyung jumping into his arms.

taehyung happily hugged his boyfriend tightly in his arms.

Jungkook: " tae i missed you so much, why didn't you come back!"

taehyung: "sorry baby there were some things i had to do for my father."

Jungkook nodded and peaked taehyung on the lips.  taehyung smiled and cared Jungkook back to the bed.

taehyung: "I have a surprise for you tomorrow so we should get some sleep. I love you.

Jungkook: "i love you too."

Sorry this was kind of boring but i didn't want to put all the good stuff in this one chapter i promise the rest will be better.

Love you guys vote, please 😇

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