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(Jk POV)

When I woke up this morning I had a smile on my face, this bed was comfortable and this house was peaceful. This was the first week staying with my best friend jimin. I always knew what to expect, he would get up early for work and be back home bye 4:00pm and we'd have the rest of the day to do what we wanted.

Yeah it was amazing, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared sometimes. Not scared of jimin but of tae I often forget how powerful he is and that it's not going to be hard for him to find me and if he dose fine me what will he do.

Just thinking about it scares me so much but jimin often takes my mind off of it when he sees me blanking out into space.

It was currently 3:30 and when jimin got home we were going to go to the movies I wanted to see a comedy but somehow jimin decided on a horror film which I was not to excited to see.

Soon jimin arrived home and I gave him a hug and he kissed me on my forehead we bout started to get ready then heading off to the movie theater.

When we got there jimin ordered a large popcorn for use to share, a slushy for me and a soda for himself.

I smiled happily as I sipped my slushy, jimin then took my hand as he guided me to theater 2 to see "awaken." I tried to change his mind so many times on the way here but he just rolled his eyes and said that he couldn't change the tickets.

I huffed as we stepped foot in the theater the lights where already off and the trailers were playing on the screen. Are seats were in the middle to the left, which were good seats to me it wasn't in the middle and I got to sit in the inside, perfect.

Then the movie started.

~~ jump scares, screaming and ducking 15 minutes later.

When the movie was over and the lights turned back on jimin was in his seat sleeping.

I turned to look at him while other people were leaving the theater, I was so angry I can't believe he made me watch a whole scary movie by myself while he fell asleep, I'm so annoyed.

I tapped him on the shoulder so he woke up.
"Jimin I can't believe you fell asleep, how could you do that to me."

I said making eye contact with him as he's stll trying to wake up.

"W-what happened."

Jimin said looking at kookie.

"You didn't watch the movie that's what happened, a movie that I didn't even want to watch, I could have been laughing and having a good time while you sleep, but no instead I was scared out my mind with no one to comfort me."

I said pouting and honestly trying not to cry.

Jimin eyes widened as he sat up in his seat.

"Oh I'm so sorry kookie I didn't mean to please forgive me I hate when your mad at me please don't be upset, I love you Jungkook i wouldn't want to do anything that upset you."

Jimin said as he kissed me on the forehead.

I still continued to pout but jimin just laughed as he took my hand and we walked out the movie theater.

My instagram, please follow for recommendations 😇

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My instagram, please follow for recommendations 😇

I hope you enjoyed I'm starting part two to this book so you guys don't be so confused because I haven't been consentient on the story.

first: should part two be called (abused 2) or something else

second: and if anyone has any ideas for a different story cover your more then free to send them to me and ill pick which one I like the best. you can send them to me on here or my instagram:@brownlud

third: I will be going back through the story and doing corrections for anybody who re-reading or for new readers.

thanks I hope you enjoy.💜💜💜💜

ABUSED (18+++)Where stories live. Discover now