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(Jungkook pov)

After breakfast taehyung walked jimin to the door while i went to the living room and watched some random show that looked good enough to keep my eyes on it

I heard a low goodbye and the door shut

I felt a tug in my stomach my mind flow with questions like was  taehyung up set did he finally see that jimin was a great guy well he should

He came and sat next to me

Jungkook: "t- taehyung i-I'm s-sorry i no you didn't want m-me"

I was cut off by  taehyung rubbing my thigh  he climbed on top of me looking into my eyes

taehyung: "baby"

taehyung said in a deep sexy voice still rubbing my thigh I felt my pants getting tight

Jungkook: "y-yes tae"

Taeyhung smiled and kissed my lips

taehyung: "Jungkook i want you"

He said deepening the kiss

Jungkook: "Ah tae"

I moaned in his mouth pulling at his hair

taehyung: "so is that a yes"

taehyung said pulling back from the kiss

Jungkook: "t-tea you no i want to wait until we're a little bit older"

Taeyhung angrily got up from the couch putting on his coat and shoes i hopped off the couch and tugged on his arm

Jungkook: "where are you going stay baby please"

taehyung: "move Jungkook"

Jungkook: " no tae i want you to stay why are you upset i didn't even do anything your always so angry for no reason at all"

taehyung: " I SAID MOVE!!

Taeyhung pushed me on the floor walking towards me as i tried to get up he kicked me in my stomach

taehyung: " didn't i tell you to move"

I cried my heart out not from the pain but because the one i loved was hurting me

He pulled my head up by my hair pulling my face to his


I sat there crying

Jungkook: "ouch tae p-please y-your hurting me"

(No ones pov)

Taeyhung face got red and he was so angry it was like steam was coming from his body


Taeyhung pulled Jungkook by his hair into the back room slamming the door shut and throwing him on the bed

Jungkook moved back against the headboard and pulled his knees to his chest still sobbing

Jungkook: "t-tae I'm s-sorry i l-love y-you p-p-please stop"

Jungkook said choking on his tears and breathing heavily

taehyung looked at Jungkook with pure evil in his eyes

taehyung: "w-what did you just say....did you just tell me to stop"

taehyung started to take off his belt 

Jungkook: "oh my god Taeyhung please i-I'm begging you just stop please i-i love you I'm s-sorry"

taehyung: "oh so your still trying to tell me what to do"

taehyung started hitting Jungkook with the belt with all his strength

taehyung: "don't you ever tell me what to do this is your fault you did this to yourself bad people get punishment"

Taeyhung swung one last swing making sure it was his hardest leaving jungkook crying and shacking

taehyung was breathing heavily he looked at jungkook with sorrow and pity

taehyung put his belt back on

taehyung: " if you leave this room or have any company over... J-just don't for your own good do you understand me"

Jungkook still crying couldn't even choke out a word

taehyung: "i said do you understand me!!!"

Jungkook: "y-y-e-e-s"

taehyung: "I'm leaving and i don't know when ill be back but all i know is you can't leave this room until i do come back "

And with that taehyung left

(Jungkook pov)

I tried to move but my body was sore form Taeyhung beating me i just wish i could stop making him so angry and stop telling him what to do

taehyung told me this was all my fault this was happing to me it soaked into my head as i keep telling myself that it was my fault it's my fault I'm being punished

Why-why? Jungkook all Taeyhung does is love you and all you do is mess it up Taeyhung probably hates you now i would hate me even more than i already do

I'm the problem in this relationship its all my fault it's not tae it's me

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