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The next morning

(Taehyung POV)

OK! Today's the big day, I said in my head as I got ready in the mirror. My company is having a big get together to check out some of the competition, so I have to look my best, and maybe bring a date......... but who?

~Meanwhile downstairs in the kitchen

(No ones pov)

Meanwhile beakhyung and jungkook we're downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast for tae because of his big day today. The party wasn't till 9:45 pm so the new tae would be home practicing and trying to relax before that time, so Jungkook and beakhyung wanted to help any way they could.

" so I heard tae was going to take a date with him," Beakhyung said with a questionable face starring at Jungkook. But Jungkook just shrugged his shoulders, Beakhyung did as well. the two boys began to set the plates of food on the table when they noticed someone had walked into the kitchen.

(No one's POV)
They turned around and saw someone they never saw before. Jungkook walked towards to speak. " um excuse me but why are you here and who are you."

The "girl" taehyung brought home from last night didn't know what to say "she" was just as shocked as they where.

"Oh I-I'm so sorry I can't really remember what happened but a nice man let me stay last nice."

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" Beakhyung called out but kookie didn't turn around.
"Well are you hungry," beakhyung asked the person standing in front of him.

(Jungkook pov)

I don't know what took over me at this moment but I was completely overwhelmed I couldn't stand taehyung, he's making me look like a complete fool I don't understand what kind of game this is but I promise I won't be playing it anymore.

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