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(Jungkook pov)

I was on the couch watching TV when i heard a knock at the door i got up to go answer it

My parents shouldn't be home their not even in the city

Jungkook: "who is it"

There was no answer

Jungkook: "who is it"

I said a little louder guessing that the person could not hear me

Taehyung: "it's me kookie!"

I opened the door knowing the voice was my boyfriend's Taehyung

Taehyung had his black howdy on with his head hagging low Taehyung had tears in his eyes Taehyung walked in and softly closed the door

I walked to Taehyung and whipped his tears

Jungkook: "its okay baby don't cry"

Taehyung fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around my waist and barred his head in my stomach

Taehyung: "I'm so sorry kookie i didn't mean to hurt you, i-i love, you so much and i thought you were going to leave me and date jimin"

Taehyung sodded into my shirt

I got on my knees to be face to face with Taehyung i kissed him on the nose

Jungkook: "its okay baby I'm not mad and i would never leave you i love you but it did hurt when you called me an s-slut i don't like that mean word i would never cheat on you tae" 

Taehyung looked up at me

Taehyung: "I'm sorry i love you"

Taehyung stood up and picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as i laid my head on his shoulder

He turned off the TV in the front and took me to my room shut the door and laid me on the bed

I laid there as he washed and laid on top of me with his head on my chest  while i played with his hair

taehyung: "baby"

Jungkook: "yes"

taehyung: "do you love me"

Jungkook: "yes"

taehyung: "would you ever leave me"

Jungkook: "know never ever"

taehyung: "i want you to be mine and only mine"

Jungkook: "um what do you mean"

taehyung: "I just don't want you to touch other boys or like them more than me. I want you to stay by my side always"

Taeyhung yawned and began to shut his eyes

Jungkook: "o-okay"

Taeyhung fall asleep and i just wondered why Taeyhung got so angry today was it really because i was to close with jimin

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