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( taehyung pov)

I couldn't believe how mad i was right now, i clenched my hand so hard my nails made the Palm of my hands bleed. Ugh, i continued walking but jumped a little feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, i took it out to see it was my dad.

"Oh hey there son i just wanted to ask if you would meet me at my office."

"Oh um sure ill be there soon bye"

When i got to my father's office there was a man tied up hands behind his back and feet together.

"Um, dad what is this?"

"Well, son since you helped me out last time i was wondering if you could.

I cut him off i walked closer to him so we were face to face.

"What kind of person do you think i am dad, I'm not one of your workers that get paid 14 bucks an hour."

My dad's face turned down.

"Y-your right son i should have never, you know what just forget it and don't tell your mom."

I rested my hand on my dad's shoulder and smiled at him.

"I'll do it for $40 bucks."

" Deal!"

I grained and started to drag the man out by his hair oh boy this is going to be fun. I waved to my dad goodbye.

"That's my boy. "

He yelled out as the elevator doors were closing.

This guy already had the shit beat out if he so doing more isn't going to satisfy me at all i started banging on the car starring wheel damn it i wish he was healthy so i could watch him hurt but he's practically dead i have no use for this guy.

A few minutes later it started to get dark i untied the man and let him sit in the front seat as i drove the silence was beautiful until he decided to talk.

"A-are you gonna k-kill me"

The man said in a deep barely breathing tone.  I looked at him and smiled and looked back at the road.


A few minutes went by before the man asked another question maybe trying not to get me mad but i guess talking to him wouldn't be so bad he was kind of nice to look at even throw the blood and cuts you could tell this guy was handsome.

"Where are we going"

I shrugged my shoulders signaling that i didn't know where we were going but i did.

"Ugh so what happened with you and my dad"

I kept my eyes on the road as i heard the man struggle to talk.

"Um i-i owed him some money very very important money that he needed but i failed to get it."

"Why what happened?"

"T-the people i needed to get the money from found me out and said they'll kill me if they ever see me again"

"So they let you go."

"Y-yes so i thought your father would let me off with a warning since we are family."


I hit the breaks on the car so hard the man and i flow almost crashing throw the window.

I stared out the front window breathing heavily.

I looked over at the man who was crying.

"I-I looked up to your dad when we were kids and just because i didn't get a job right h-he was just going to let me d-die."

Before anything could come out my mouth my phone rang and i quickly pulled it out and answered.


"Yes is this Kim taehyung"

"Who's asking"

"Well, I'm a neighbor of your boyfriend jungkook I'm at the hospital with him right now h-he almost drowned."

After hearing that i didn't even hang up the phone i dropped it so fast and stepped on the gas peddle to the hospital. 

How could i have been so stupid i should have never left him there by himself with everything I've put him throw and his parents died the only thing he needed was some comfort and all i didn't was show how much i didn't care.

Soon i felt the eyes of the man sitting next to me as i wiped my tears when they fell.

Jungkook needed better he needed to find something or somebody better and didn't have as many problems as me and if i love him as much as i say i do i have to do what's best for jungkook and just.

L-Let him go.

Hope you enjoyed love you guys so much please vote thanks💋

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